Friday, July 31, 2020

[Theqoo] Debut rankings of Baekhyun's "Garden In The Air" on music charts

Melon #14Genie #5Bugs #3Theqoo: Current debut rankings of Baekhyun's "Garden In The Air" on music charts- I envy his power.- Oh the result came out well.- Woah that's great.- Baekhyun's power.- I wasn't expect it but the result came out well.- Woah I envy him. Honestly, I don't listen to EXO often...

[Instiz] Baekhyun's live singing sounds like digital version but different

Instiz:There is no difference at all in Baekhyun's skills between digital version and live version, but it's obvious that he sings live. His live is freaking good and it is different from digital, but they aren’t different at all. His voice and vocalization are all the same, but it is recognizable...

[Daum/Theqoo] Baekhyun - "Garden In The Air" Live Video

Daum: Baekhyun - "Garden In The Air" Live Video - Baekhyun's voice is so good.- How did he digest it like it is his own song? Baekhyun sang well.- It is already good from the intro.- It's so good. I think he did a good job in his own style." Baekhyun-ah, I like it so much.- Since the original...

Thursday, July 30, 2020

[Pann/Theqoo] Teaser of "Garden In The Air" by Baekhyun

Pann: - It's Baekhyun when it comes to R&B..."Garden In The Air" is a masterpiece, so thanks for letting Baekhyun sing this song. I only listened to the teaser, but I feel like it has a completely different feeling from the original song and I like it. So I think I'll listen to both the original...

Sunday, July 26, 2020

[Theqoo/Youtube] Baekhyun's live vocal compilation

0:08 EXO - El Dorado (3 octave, F5) 0:35 SuperM - Jopping (3 octave Fa#, F#5) 0:54 SuperM - Tiger (3 octave Sol#, G#5) 1:00 EXO - Drop That (3 octave Fa#, F#5) 1:09 EXO - Baby Don't Cry (3 octave Do, C5) 1:29 HYNN - The Lonely Bloom Stands Alone (3 octave Fa#, F#5) 1:49 Buzz - Thorn (2 octave Sol#, G#4) 2:15 BoA- Am I Okay Like This? 2:37 Fly To The Sky - Even Though My Heart...

[Daum/Theqoo] Baekhyun releases a remake song "Garden In The Air" for Our Beloved BoA Project

Daum: - Heol you say Baekhyun will sing "Garden In The Air". I'm looking forward to him. - I really liked it when Baekhyun sang "Am I Okay Like This?", so I anticipate "Garden In The Air". - I can't believe Baekhyun will sing "Garden In The Air". He already suits it. - Heol Baekhyun...

[Youtube] Baekhyun x IU - "UN Village"

Youtube: IU (아이유) x Baekhyun (백현) "UN Village" [+2.3k] But these two could do a duet at least once... Their voice combination sounds great after I listened to this. [+743] This sounds good though? I hope these two could release a a dark R&B City Pop song. [+604] Woah at first, Baekhyun's voice sounds like Milan, but when it IU's turn, it goes straight to Paris. [+442] Woah,...

Saturday, July 25, 2020

[Naver TV] Baekhyun on Amazing Saturday

Naver: What's it? The Best-ever writing down game elite Baekhyunee KkaKyoong ♥ [+367] Baekhyun is really cute. How long does he plan to be cute?  [+307] It's true that our soft puppy is really a genius. Our Baekhyun is the genius himself. [+285] Our Baekhyun is a a genius. [+256] Woah...

[Daum] Genius Baekhyun on Amazing Saturday

Daum: Doesn't Baekhyun do so well at the first game (listen then write down)? (Amazing Saturday) - How did he think of 'Heartbeat'? Genius puppy. - Baekhyun is really a genius. - He is the best. - Genius puppy. Everyone said they didn't know he was this good. - He is such a genius. He is quick-witted...

Friday, July 24, 2020

[Naver TV/Daum] Baekhyun on "Amazing Saturday" Pre-release

Naver TV: Amazing performances of Chanyeol x Baekhyun who want to eat snack [+439] Baekhyun is so cute. Let it be Saturday quickly, please. [+395] No. Baby Baekhyun sang "Hug" freaking well. My eardrums are rolling down. [+343] Baekhyun-ah ah ah  ( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) [+327] How...

Thursday, July 23, 2020

[Instiz/Daum] What has Baekhyun been recording?

Instiz: I tried to guess but Baekhyun OP: He recorded last time and this time, do you think there is a possibility that it's the next album? I mean, I feel like it would be able to come out sooner than I thought. SM's plans keep changing so much. Just think about the possibilities of this...

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

[Compilation] Music critics on "Delight" of Baekhyun

"Delight" 1. Music critic Seo Jung Min Gap picked "Delight" as one of “Albums that you will regret if you don’t listen to” in the first half of 2020. 2.  In this new album, the title song "Candy" with R&B genre blends well with Baekhyun's sweet voice. Music critic Kang Soojin...

Review on "Delight" of Baekhyun from Best New Kpop

Clip This is a well made album. Is there anything we need to talk more about this? It is well made and he sings well.  This album is flawless like there is such a person that can do this in the reality.  All the songs in this album have incredibly high level of perfection. One point I don't like about "Candy" is it is too short. I want it to be 10 minutes. It's such a good song,...

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

[Pann] The subunit that SM needs to release

Pann: The subunit that SM needs to release OP: Good face combination + good voice combination + good personality combination + both can be very successful in digital and physical - Baekhyun and Do Kyungsoo are real cheat keys [...] What should I say? They have good chemistry and their...

Monday, July 20, 2020

[Theqoo] Baekhyun started the Face Chain trend among idols

Theqoo: The styling that seems to be seen very often among idols recently: Face Chain OP: At the end of last year, Baekhyun's Obsession Face chain started to become a trend. It is quite too much to do usually, but many people say it's pretty and unique on stage. - Baekhyun's concept...

Sunday, July 19, 2020

[Pann] Baekhyun's self-management is great

Baekhyun of 5 years ago and Baekhyun in "Candy" promotion Pann: Woah his self-management is really great - I think Baekhyun is aging backward. - When this teaser was out, I seriously doubt if he was really born in 2002. - At first, Baekhyun is a type that was born with a baby...

Saturday, July 18, 2020

[Youtube] Baekhyun's Vlog (Mong-ryong/KyoongTube/corgi tube/my clone)

[+7.9k] No, I didn't know the owner was EXO. [+4k] ???: I'm going to tell you a story about how I met the right owner. [+3.4] I saw it on Youtube recommendation. I was like, "Wow, the puppy is really beautiful", and it turned out the channel owner is Baekhyun of EXO. He is eye candy. The puppy is also cute, but the owner is so handsome. [+3.3k] I came in to see a Welsh...

Friday, July 17, 2020

[Pann] Everyone has Baekhyun in their hearts

Pann: I'm curious who are your biases so far - I think there are many people whose first bias was Baekhyun especially 02er, 03er, 04er. It's still Baekhyun for me so far. > If you are Eri, you will know Baekhyun is No.1. Is there any reason to argue? > My friends all liked Baekhyun at least once and they are 02er. >Why are there so many people downvoting?  My friends (like him)...

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