Sunday, July 26, 2020

[Theqoo/Youtube] Baekhyun's live vocal compilation

0:08 EXO - El Dorado (3 octave, F5)

0:35 SuperM - Jopping (3 octave Fa#, F#5)

0:54 SuperM - Tiger (3 octave Sol#, G#5)

1:00 EXO - Drop That (3 octave Fa#, F#5)

1:09 EXO - Baby Don't Cry (3 octave Do, C5)

1:29 HYNN - The Lonely Bloom Stands Alone (3 octave Fa#, F#5)

1:49 Buzz - Thorn (2 octave Sol#, G#4)

2:15 BoA- Am I Okay Like This?

2:37 Fly To The Sky - Even Though My Heart Hurts

2:50 EXO-CBX - Cherish (2 octave La, A4)

3:08 EXO - Call Me Baby (2 octave La#, A#4)

3:13 EXO-CBX - Paper Cuts (2 octave La, A4)

3:31 The Ray - Cleaning

4:01 EXO-CBX - Cry (2 octave Si, B4)

4:17 EXO - Miracle In December (2 octave Sol#, G#4)

4:30 National Anthem

5:01 EXO - Oasis (2 octave Sol#, G#4)

5:13 Kim Gunmo - Moon of Seoul (3 octave Do, C5)

5:32 Weather Forecast - I Like You

5:53 EXO - Lucky (2 octave Si, B4)

6:01 Nam Jin - With You (3 octave Re, D5)

6:09 EXO - Coming Over (2 octave Si, B4)

6:17 EXO - Bird (2 octave La#, A#4)

6:25 EXO - Lucky One (2 octave La#, A#4)

6:38 EXO-K - Overdose (3 octave Do, C5)

6:48 EXO - Monster (3 octave Fa, F5)

6:55 Monday Kiz - A Man Like This (2 octave Sol#, G#4)

7:14 BMK - When Spring Comes (2 octave Sol, G4)

7:25 EXO - My answer (2 octave La, A4)

Theqoo: Baekhyun's live vocal compilation

- That guy is good at both high notes and low notes.

- Wow he does so well.

- He sings so well.

- So "Tiger" is highest. I thought it was "Jopping".

- He is the best.

- Woah he is so good at singing.

- He suits "Am I Okay Like This?" and "I Like You".

- I heard "Drop That" and I want to go to concert.


[+292] Everyone in the world need to know that Baekhyun is good at singing.

[+238] His vocals are the top one among male idols. I was shocked when I watched the dance moves of the main vocalist who had such a wide spectrum (of vocals)... my first time trying to like an idol. That's him.

[+172] Wow... I'm so touched when Baekhyun was singing the National Anthem.

[+165] "Drop That" is really legendary. And he sang "The Lonely Bloom Stands Alone" with female original key? Baekhyun is really the best.

[+114] It is even hard for a woman. Whoo.... the high notes that even tear up my heart.

[+68] Baekhyun's vocal is a real treasure. He is the leader of K-pop, the pillar of R&B. Please sing for the rest of your life.

[+19] I wonder what Baekhyun's vocal cords look like...

[+7] I guarantee that idols like Baekhyun will never appear again.

[+5] Baekhyun is good at singing high notes, stable live singing, and appealing voice, but most of all, he sings deliciously.

[+4] I want to listen to all the songs as Byun Baekhyun's version. I like his voice.



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