Tuesday, September 10, 2024

[Daum] Baekhyun's agency INB100 to take strong legal action against malicious defamation "No leniency nor settlement"

- I hope all of those haters from Women's Generation and JunBang got sued.

- I visit Pann because of my idol and I saw that Baekhyun malicious posts are fcking severe. Well done!

- Such lovely news.

- I feel like this time they will deal with this until the end as it's his own agency.

- Honestly I hope he catches all those in Pann. It's fcking severe there. They write and spam posts on their own.

- Nicee! It seems they are really doing it because it's his own agency.

- Finally!!!!

- Just few days ago, malicious rumors about him were written all over Pann and Women's Generation. The timing is nice.

- I think he has been doing that. There was a person posting police attendance certificate though. It's great that there is official news now too.

- It's really severe in Theqoo. They will have no tomorrow because they completed identity verification.

- I have an account at Theqoo, so I can say it's really severe in there. I think other platforms are the same.

- Theqoo, Pann, DC Gallery he can randomly pick one and the number could fill up a truck.

- Pann, DC Gallery, Theqoo, Women's Generation and Twitter, catch them all.

- Please Theqoo is the most horrible.



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