Tuesday, September 10, 2024

[YouTube] Baekhyun & Yena on Self-on Kode

- Baekhyun's laughter sounds lovely. It drives me crazy and makes my heart fcking flutter.

- It's so funny.

- Baekhyun's fcking funny.

- The man I have always dreamed about. Handsome, funny, good humor sense. Completely unbeatable.

- Byun Baekhyun's teasing skills are really....LOL Yena-nim must have had a difficult time.

- Baekhyun's fcking charming. I think he would still have been popular even if he wasn't handsome.

- Their chemistry is interesting. It feels like older brother and younger sister.

- Woah Baekhyun's personally really can make all the girls like him.

- Byun Baekhyun himself is so heart-fluttering.

- Baekhyun, why doesn't he age? his face has nothing change compared to his debut.

- Byun Baekhyun makes my heart flutter. It's insane. Please have a conversation with me too.

- This video is like drug..overdose. I can't get enough of it. Baekhyun really has something that makes heart flutter. The way he was handling is something experienced, something really different, seriously.

- This is an unexpected combination. They have similar tastes in hobbies, similar sense of humor, so it was comfortable to watch them.

- I'm watching for the 573939 times. The more I watch, the more interesting it is.

- Teasing-hoobae genius Baekhyun.

- One likes to tease vs one has the best reaction. Thanks to them, this is the legendary episode.

- The two have good chemistry when they have a conversation.

- No but my heart really fluttered. I watched other episodes, it was good and fun, but here these two were just also joking in KakaoTalk, why it makes my heart flutter? It drives me crazy. I think I'm gonna be fan.

- He is really handsome.

- They are like siblings. Both are cute.

- No but woah Baekhyun's really handsome and pretty at the same time. It's insane. Why he doesn't age?



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