Saturday, July 25, 2020

[Naver TV] Baekhyun on Amazing Saturday

Naver: What's it? The Best-ever writing down game elite Baekhyunee KkaKyoong 

[+367] Baekhyun is really cute. How long does he plan to be cute? 

[+307] It's true that our soft puppy is really a genius. Our Baekhyun is the genius himself.

[+285] Our Baekhyun is a a genius.

[+256] Woah he did so well.

[+256] You are so cute, Baekhyun

[+251] Baekhyun is a genius, right? He is so cute.

[+240] Baekhyun is the best. He listened so well.

Naver: Baekhyunee is curious of a lot of things. Hatnim's eating show is full of questions

[+343] Baekhyun is serious about food. He is so cute...

[+323] Look at the tension of the questions. It was like "I'm going to ask everything I'm curious about" keke

[+285] Baekhyun's Food Talk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he likes pork cutlet, so he tried to ask everything ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "(Are the tastes) balanced well? Which taste comes first?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he is professional ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+255] Baekhyun is so cute. Eat everything you want to eat.

[+241] Baekhyun's questions are cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ "Which taste comes first?"ㅋㅋㅋ That he folded his fingers while taking is so cute.

[+232] Ah he is really so cute. Is he really 29 years old? why is he so cute? our puppy is always serious about food.

[+214] Baekhyun's questions are very detailed keke

Naver: Performance master Baekhyun's wave

[+325] The performance that is filled with a bucket of talent (t/n: the caption of the show) is the best. As expected of Genius Idol Baekhyun.

[+279] It's Baekhyun when it comes to talents, right? He is a real idol even from his eyes.

[+258] (They say) Baekhyun did a good job. He is a 'real singer' ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ⫬ㅋ

[+241] He did so well in the preview so I was waiting for it, and as expected of the class of performance master...Best idol baby Baekhyun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thank you for 'a bucket of talent' (caption)

[+198] Baekhyun sings so well and even a performance full of sense.His variety sense is daebak.

[+185] Baekhyun is a real singer, singer. Our Genius Idol talented man.



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