Sunday, July 26, 2020

[Youtube] Baekhyun x IU - "UN Village"

Youtube: IU (아이유) x Baekhyun (백현) "UN Village"

[+2.3k] But these two could do a duet at least once... Their voice combination sounds great after I listened to this.

[+743] This sounds good though? I hope these two could release a a dark R&B City Pop song.

[+604] Woah at first, Baekhyun's voice sounds like Milan, but when it IU's turn, it goes straight to Paris.

[+442] Woah, their voice combination is really daebak. Neither one side stands out nor it feels lacking, but it sounds very natural... So why don't they do a duet?

[+243] This is a combination that will be eating up charts and even digesting them.

[+118] No, honestly, the beat of "UN Village" is unreal ...It's excessively good.

[+75] Baekhyun's voice has great chemistry with whoever he sings with... so he has done a lot of duet songs.

[+62] Baekhyun has great chemistry with anyone from visual to voice. Rice-of grain line, give me a duet. Does it make sense that they still haven't done anything musically?

[+34] It's a combination of the world's most powerful... IU and Baekhyun are legends.

[+37] I think whether it's ballad or R&B, these two will still pull it off ... please..

[+26] I think even if they released the song this way, Baekhyun still can cover all the high notes. Please do a collaboration.

[+11] Among duets I have listened to so far, I think these two really match the best. There will be a day when they do a real duet, right...?



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