Friday, July 31, 2020

[Instiz] Baekhyun's live singing sounds like digital version but different

There is no difference at all in Baekhyun's skills between digital version and live version, but it's obvious that he sings live. 

His live is freaking good and it is different from digital, but they aren’t different at all. His voice and vocalization are all the same, but it is recognizable whether he sings live. You know what I mean


- He is good at both but we can distinguish them. 

- The live performances are filled with Baekhyun's original voice color better.

- Baekhyun's voice color or singing style can be heard better on live performances. I think that's why we know when he sings live.

- He really makes his live singing sound like digital version, but it is something that is even better. Anyway, he is freaking good.

- You are right! I always feel that. It obviously sounds exactly like the digital version but it is live version.

- True! his live is like sounding exactly like digital version but different. But it's the same that he does both well.



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