Monday, May 31, 2021

[Melon/Theqoo/Genie] Baekhyun - 'U' (OST of Doom at Your Service')

Melon:- The song is so good. I'm a fan of another artist but I was so curious as soon as it appeared in the drama.- Watching our softie since his debut, but he still has many voices that I haven't known at all. Baekhyun is the best.- The intro is so good...- Just listened to the first line and already...

Thursday, May 27, 2021

[Youtube] The difference of Baekhyun's heart-fluttering "Wait a moment"

Youtube: The difference between Baekhyun's heart-fluttering "Wait a moment/minute"(t/n: 잠깐만 vs 잠시만, both basically mean wait a moment/minute, there are more to say but 잠시만 mostly is a bit more formal)[+7.2k] #1: same age; #2: younger; #3: older> Agree.> Genius.> The first one is a classmate who is a popular ulzzang. The second one is a handsome and cute dongsaeng who is adored a...

[Theqoo] Baekhyun in One Giant Leap teaser

Theqoo: EXO 엑소 Special Album [DON'T FIGHT THE FEELING] EPISODE 02. ONE GIANT LEAP- Baekhyun is insane in the clip.- Byun Baek Hyun ㅇ<-<- Wow Baekhyun is so cool at the end.- Woah why are Baekhyun's posture and hands heart-fluttering like this?- Did Baekhyun raise his legs kkk wow...

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

[Instiz] Baekhyun is the most popular

Instiz: It's like Baekhyun is just very popular- For real his influence is incredible.- I also think he is popular for a long time. Come to think of it, it's been a while since EXO debuted.- Because he is Byun Baekhyun.- Of course he is Baekhyun.- His power of influence is really strong.-...

[Pann] Baekhyun has lived diligently until the last minute before enlisting

Pann: Baekhyun's schedules are insaneOP: He filmed a lot of contents so that fans wouldn't get bored while he is in the military.He is going to have many other schedules besides this.These are schedules that have been revealed since December last year - there are more but I forgot.December:...

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

[Instiz] Why do many fans of other artists buy Baekhyun's new album?

Instiz: But why many fans of other artists buy Baekhyun's new album?- It's pretty! and it isn't even 10,000 won.- Because of the jewel case version??- Because it's pretty..!!- I'm a fan of another artist, but among Candy covers, there is a very pretty album cover, I also bought that one too.- It...

[Instiz/Twitter] New photo of Baekhyun from training camp

Twitter:- Why there is nothing this person cannot do?- Seriously this oppa is daebak.- Park Baekhyun sunbaenim looks like he is having so much fun.- Ah I'm not even a fan but this is so fcking funny. He has completely adapts to the situation.- Even now if Byun Baekhyun sang Love Light, the sense of incompatibility is 0. Oppa, are you really a high school student?- I'm sorry for mentioning...

Monday, May 24, 2021

[Instiz/Theqoo/Daum] "Genius Idol even in training camp"

Daum:- Look at the veteran idol.- That is an idol. It looks like he took photos for an album there though.- No joke ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ- Ah he is so cute. As expected he is the only idol there.- Ah he is lovely... no but why a minor has to protect the country.- Why is he flirting in the army ㅋㅋㅋㅋ- He...

[Theqoo] A short version of Baekhyun's OST for Doom at Your Service

Theqoo: - He seems to be the master of romcom or melo-romance OST.- Oh the song seems good.- The song sounds sweet.- A mellow song.- The song matches the scene perfectly.- Heol it's insane. The song is fcking good. It suits the male protagonist narrative.- His voice is the whole story. It's seriously fcking good.- He sings so well. His vocals bring different feelings in every song.- His...

[Daum] Please let me hear Baekhyun sing Perhaps Love before I die

Daum:- I have been rooting for this for many years. I think he will suits the song a lot.> If Goong is remaked? I hope they could make Baekhyun remakes that song.> Wouldn't it be possible if Baekhyun remakes it in time when he is discharged?> Ah please it matches Baekhyun perfectly.- Ah it's insane... I'm a fan of another artist but I will be rooting for this too. His voice is fcking sweet.>...

[Instiz] Baekhyun's OSTs are the restaurant of male protagonist narrative

Instiz: Baekhyun's OSTs are the restaurant of male protagonist narrative- I love his voice so fcking much.- I watched it just now and I didn't know why I was screaming when his voice came out.- He is a perfect match for male protagonist narrative. Seriously when his voice came out, I dashed...

[Instiz] I’m a fan of another artist but I can’t imagine EXO’s songs without Baekhyun + Baekhyun is constantly mentioned + super insider

Instiz: I’m a fan of another artist but I can’t imagine EXO’s songs without Baekhyun(t/n: many people asked if Baekhyun participates in this comeback)- He did participate before he left.- No. He participated. Please give a lot of love.- He did participate diligently in his little time before leaving!!...

Saturday, May 22, 2021

[Instiz] Since when Baekhyun are said to be a good performer?

Instiz: Did you hear that Baekhyun is a good performer since Monster?- Since debut.- He has been popular as good performer since debut. That Sun Gun.- He has been popular for that since debut with Sun Gun.- He was extraordinary right?- Isn't it Overdose?- He has been good since the beginning...

Thursday, May 20, 2021

[Instiz] SM trainee that looks like Baekhyun

Instiz:- Isn't he 06er?- Isn't this friend 02er? When will he debut? I have been waiting for ages.- He took national university entrance exam last year, so I hope he will debut soon.- I heard he is 02er... if he debuted as new idol, he would be the oldest hyung.- I know this friend. He is 02er.-...

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

[Instiz] Baekhyun's voice itself is romance

Instiz: Which male idol you think of when it comes to heart-fluttering voice color?- Baekhyun for me, too.- I'm a fan of another artist but Baekhyun and D.O. for me.- I'm a fan of another artist but Baekhyun for me.- My heart flutters every time I listen to Baekhyun's voice. Seriously guys,...

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

[Theqoo/Instiz] Photo of Baekhyun from training camp

Instiz:- Woah he really looks like 20.- He is so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ- He is a baby, isn't he?- Isn't Baekhyun-nim 30? His face is seriously 20.- He seriously has a baby face. He is like a baby.- Why is a baby there???…..- Heol I'm a fan of another artist, but it's like he enlists right after the first year of...

Sunday, May 16, 2021

[Pann] Baekhyun is the master of photocards

Pann: Brag about SM idol legendary photocardsOP: (list this photocard of Baekhyun and photocards of other artists)[+319] That photocard of Baekhyun is really the legend. > When I first saw it, it was really like a new world.> For real... My heart flutters every time I see it.> I think...

[Pann] Baekhyun will still do well no matter where he goes

Pann: Baekhyun agencyOP: It seems Baekhyun would resign contract after the contract ends, but I want to see him to go to another big company for once. It is rare to see they go from a big company to another big company, so I want to see it once. About songs, it doesn't matter because he can get...

Friday, May 14, 2021

[Daum] Nonfans praise Baekhyun's efforts in preparing contents for 21 months

Daum:- (Not Eri) I think that guy really has the best relationship with Eris.- Woah I think this is really the best thing you can do to fans as an idol.- Woah, this is real effort. Fans must be touched.- He is amazing though? I would be very happy if my bias did that. It's like he looks responsible...

Thursday, May 13, 2021

[Theqoo/Instiz] Baekhyun prepared Youtube contents for 21 months before enlisting

Theqoo:- Woah if it's every month, his fans must be very happy.- Insane... he is really great. He is so impressive. I'm a fan of another artist but I'm so touched...tears.- Woah I'm a fan of another artist, but he is seriously daebak. Hope my bias also does that in the future.- May Baekhyun always be...

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