Thursday, May 27, 2021

[Youtube] The difference of Baekhyun's heart-fluttering "Wait a moment"

Youtube: The difference between Baekhyun's heart-fluttering "Wait a moment/minute"
(t/n: 잠깐만 vs 잠시만, both basically mean w
ait a moment/minute, there are more to say but 잠시만 mostly is a bit more formal)

[+7.2k] #1: same age; #2: younger; #3: older
> Agree.
> Genius.
The first one is a classmate who is a popular ulzzang. The second one is a handsome and cute dongsaeng who is adored a lot by many hyungs and noonas. The third one is Baekhyun-sunbae who is Applied Music major's vocal leader.

[+4.9k] The last one: early stage of a relationship
The first one: middle-later stage of a relationship
The second one: after marriage

[+1.8k] Baekhyunie-ssi, you didn't mean that 'wait a moment' is 2 years though.

[+1k] 끆ㄱ끄얶흒끕..끆껑껑..끆끆흡끅..흡꾺꾺꾹ㄱ끄엉..헝헝헝ㅇ..흡끄륵ㄱ끅끅ㄱ끄엉엉..흡끄윽..끄헝헝..흐우앙흡끅끆ㄱ끄얶흒끕..끆껑껑..끆끆흡끅..흡끄윽..끄헝 끆ㄱ끄얶흒끕..끆껑껑..끆끆흡끅..흡꾺꾺꾹ㄱ끄엉..헝헝헝ㅇ..흡끄륵ㄱ끅끅ㄱ끄엉엉..흡끄윽..끄헝헝..흐우앙흡끅끆ㄱ끄얶흒끕..끆껑껑..끆끆흡끅..흡끄윽..끄헝 끆ㄱ끄얶흒끕..끆껑껑..끆끆흡끅..흡꾺꾺꾹ㄱ끄엉..헝헝헝ㅇ

[+387] His 'wait a moment' is like a younger guy. His 'wait a moment' is like an older guy. I just like them all.

[+332] Ah what is it? Baekhyun has something that makes people feel heart-fluttering.

[+129] I don't know why Byun Baekhyun's face looks so heart fluttering. He just looks heart-fluttering.

[+83] What's matter between younger or older. As long as it's Baekhyun, I like it all. He is so heart-fluttering.

[+78] When Baekhyun said "Wait a moment", it's like time really stops and it's like my heart stopped beating.

[+2] Not a fan, but I can't get out of here for a moment.

[+1] If you personify the word 'romance', maybe it's Baekhyun.



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