Thursday, April 30, 2020

[Instiz] Baekhyun's speech that sounds like quotes from youth novel's male lead

Instiz: Baekhyun's speech that sounds like quotes from youth novel's male lead 1.  Q. Was it difficult for us completely? "No. There is no single day that is meaningless." 2. "No matter what I say today, you will still laugh, right?" 3. "If we trust each other...

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

[Youtube] Baekhyun performs 'UN Village' at Yoo Heeyeol's Sketchbook

[+1k] The beat is a freaking unreal. I think I would watch 3 times a day. [+967] Honestly, for now this original performance version is awkward. I'm more familiar with the MR Removed version. [+678] From falsetto, real voice to mixed vocals, they all come and go frequently. He sings really well. [+636] Byun Baekhyun is really freaking unreal, isn't he? he sings well, dances well, is handsome,...

[Daum/Instiz/Pann] Bolbbalgan4 x Baekhyun, Best-ever collaboration to release a single on May 7

Daum: Bolbbalgan4 x Baekhyun join hands to release a pre-lease single on May 7 - A song from two Trust-to-listens must be good. - Daebak. I love both of them. - Who is crying? I am. - I'm rooting for it successfully. - The combination that I could never imagine. Great! - I was having a...

Monday, April 27, 2020

[Pann] May comeback lineup

Pann: Line up is freaking solid. Who do you anticipate the most? [+77] Baekhyun... I'm curious whether he would come out with a ballad or "UN Village" style this time? > For me, I like something like "Dream".. you know what I mean. It'd be great if he does something like confession while...

Thursday, April 23, 2020

[Youtube] 190712 Baekhyun - Cleaning (MR Removed)

[+729] I have been repeating this but among current idols, he is the best standard of vocalization. [+624] I didn't think it would be Baekhyun at the first line. This is the song he sang for audition? Is this really his old voice? It would be great if he released a ballad album. [+574] 1:11 when he sang ~nunmul 'ha' na~ I love Baekhyun's unique way of breathing out. [+427] Baekhyun's talent...

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

[Daum/Theqoo/Instiz] Baekhyun's mbti result is ISFP

Daum: I didn't expect Baekhyun is ISFP at all - Right! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm very lazy* - Me too. But he's so different from me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ - Me too. This is so unexpected ㅋㅋㅋㅋ amazing. - That's what I was thinking! ISFP is lazy. - My prediction went wrong. - ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  ISFP...

[Daum/Theqoo/Weibo] Baekhyun to have a comeback in May as a solo...will he set another record after 10 months

Daum:  - I enjoyed his previous album. Anticipating! - Baekhyun's voice color is really nice. - I really like "UN Village" - I missed "UN Village" when it was released at first. I'm going to listen right away this time. - "UN Village" is my most favorite among EXO's solo songs,...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

[Youtube] 190712 Baekhyun - UN Village (MR Removed)

[4.2k] Baekhyun is talented for sure, but his voice color is really another class. I personally think Baekhyun's tone shines the most when it's medium and low. I can feel he is more masculine than usual and his special huskiness isn't too over but proper. Maybe that's why it feels like a boy mixed in him. His voice color is really special and not overwhelming, so I...

Monday, April 20, 2020

[Theqoo] Baekhyun talks about his slump after debut + current vocal teacher

1. Baekhyun talked about when he was in a slump after debut. Baekhyun: In the early days of EXO's activities, when we moved from "MAMA" to "Wolf." As the debut became a reality and I suddenly received huge attention, the kid that was overflowing with such confidence got scared of singing....

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