Tuesday, April 21, 2020

[Youtube] 190712 Baekhyun - UN Village (MR Removed)

[4.2k] Baekhyun is talented for sure, but his voice color is really another class. I personally think Baekhyun's tone shines the most when it's medium and low. I can feel he is more masculine than usual and his special huskiness isn't too over but proper. Maybe that's why it feels like a boy mixed in him. His voice color is really special and not overwhelming, so I find him amazing every time I listen to him.

[+4k] I was so embarrassed when I sang this at karaoke. Is Baekhyun a swimmer?

[+3.2k] I still don't know why when talking about idols who sing well, Baekhyun can't be mentioned. EXO is so perfect that they are underrated, but I think Baekhyun is the most underrated among them. He is at this level, idol or whatever, he is even extremely successful as a solo singer. He pulls off almost all musical genres. He has the skills, which makes listeners question if he is an R&B singer w
hen he sings R&B, or if he is a ballad singer when he sings ballads. That he crosses from falsetto between real voice is very smooth and easy, which is very surprising. I wonder how much he has practiced. Fans say that he went to take lessons every time he did IG Live. He is in his 8th year of career but he still makes efforts to do better. It's amazing and cool of him.

[+2.7k] Woah he sings freaking well. I thought this is audio version

[+2.6k] I thought this would be the first song that there is no high note and Baekhyun doesn't fully show us his singing ability, but I tried to sing and I was freaking short of breathe. 

[+2.4k] His singing skills are solid but his face is also awesome.

[+2.3k] That guy's vocals has been steadily improving for real.

[+2k] Woah he is did so well. It's not that he just sings to match the tune, but I can feel that he really sings a "song".

[+1.5] I just watched "Moon Lovers" and his gap is so serious. It doesn't look like the same person.

[+1.3k] It's hard to sound better in MR Removed than audio version though.

[+1.2k] It will be very embarrassing to sing this at karaoke, so I recommend people that aren't Baekhyun not to sing it. I'm being sincere.

[+1.1k] Woah he really sings so well. His voice color is insane. I knew Baekhyun sings well but I didn't know he is really this well.

[+1k] This song is really a hell to me as well. Just because he does it easily, I shouldn't have thought that woah the song is good, he does well. If you sing it at karaoke, you would be sorry for ruining the original song. It's so hard and he's amazing.

[+1k] This is one of the videos that let you know why EXO's main vocalists are popular to men.

[+991] Byun Baekhyun was really born to be a singer.

[+904] I'm a fan of another group but y'all can't bash EXO for their talents. I freaking love "UN Village" so I tried to sing it. There is a lot of flat and vague notes, so even though I'm not a tone-deaf person, I became one. I really admire him.

[+866] If you sing this song at a karaoke room, it is really so hard to breathe. Baekhyun's so good at using breath. It's already different from the way he moves between falsetto and real voice as he wants to.

[+688] Not a fan but I also feel proud.

[+601] The song itself is hard but he does well.

[+587] The song's techniques are no joke though. It's amazing how he digests it as a live to that extent.

[+498] He's really good at breath control. He doesn't even miss any tune. I can see the key of being good at dance live by just watching this.

[+129] This is the song that its owner sings so easily that makes people delusionally think they can sing it easily as well.



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