Monday, April 20, 2020

[Theqoo] Baekhyun talks about his slump after debut + current vocal teacher

1. Baekhyun talked about when he was in a slump after debut.

Baekhyun: In the early days of EXO's activities, when we moved from "MAMA" to "Wolf." As the debut became a reality and I suddenly received huge attention, the kid that was overflowing with such confidence got scared of singing. I doubted myself that my singing might be weird. I have been wholeheartedly interested in vocalization since then and studied a lot. So then my fear disappeared little by little, I could expect how my voice would sound when I sing live. This time should I do like this, make changes, and if there was my tone that I liked in a song, I would make efforts to apply a part of it to another song in the future. (W Korea interview)

Baekhyun: It's a bracelet that says "Baekhyun that has no fear" I got from a noona from my training team who trained me from a long time ago. In fact, before we make a comeback this time, I was in a slump for a while because of singing. Thus, I talked about my problems a lot. Now we are going to make a comeback very soon, I have to show my good image after a long time, but what should I do if it doesn't work? I sought for advice a lot, and at that time I was given this bracelet. (The trainer) told me that ~you used to be a kid who had no fear, why you fear now~ then the trainer gave me this bracelet telling me to come back as a fearless Baekhyun. (Sukira Radio 130714)

This is a handwritten word written by Baekhyun himself, and it's a phrase that Baekhyun often used like a request for himself. It's a word that fans also like and cherish.

2. Baekhyun talked about his current vocal teacher.

Baekhyun: I think I have always had an earnest desire for learning. Because vocalization is a thing that is invisible and takes place inside body, I have always been curious and as I know very well which part I lack of, I want to solve it. I met a good teacher that would make my singing career longer, so I think I will sing for a long time in the future. (Instagram Live)

It's not about changing a single point of vocals, it's basically about changing styles, it's a tough process.
Baekhyun: It isn't easy. I have been learning with my current vocal teacher for about 1 year, fortunately, his existence is like a lifesaver to me. Singer Im Hanbyul-hyung introduced him to me. It's not that he teaches me vocal skills only, he is like a doctor that sets my mind at ease, and comprehensively examines whatever I'm uncomfortable about. He's a real adult. (W Korea interview)


- I can see he has a lots of greed for skills. Good greed.

- Sing for a long time! I like watching how you have constantly developed. 

- I like how he is a singer that likes to sing.

- "A life where I can see if I can succeed with my voice only" I love this. I support Baekhyun.

 - Baekhyun sings well. I hope he will be a singer that sings for a very long time. 

- I like Baekhyun's "Take You Home" very much. I hope he would release another song like that.

- I like Baekhyun's voice very much. I'm enjoying "UN Village" and his OSTs. He is one of the singers that I hope to release more songs.

- Baekhyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠ  He isn't my bias but I always think he's amazing. He is top 0.1% idol by my standard. I think there is almost no idol that has everything from fandom, singing ability and star quality like him. It's very amazing of him that he doesn't stop but keeps developing. I hope he will be doing well, better and better.

- So Baekhyun used to have a slump too... I'm not idol fan, but I'm stuck to Baekhyun's song today and I have been replaying only one song on the way to and from work. I love "My Love" very much.

- I'm a fan of another group but I'm fond of Baekhyun.

- Baekhyun has done well but he makes efforts to do better.

- Every time I listen to Baekhyun's songs, he keeps improving, which touches me. Thank you for being consistent.

- He's so admirable as he already does well but he isn't satisfied with his skills and he wants to do better and better. I'm so proud as a fan ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ



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