Saturday, April 11, 2020

[Pann] Most popular members in SM boy and girl groups

Pann: Most popular members in SM boy and girl groups

(Baekhyun related comments only)

OP: EXO Baekhyun

[+217] Baekhyun, Taeyeon, Xiah Junsu are stan attractors (cute looks). Krystal, Taemin, Jaehyun are visuals

[+105] I’m a fan of another group but isn’t it right that Baekhyun’s extremely popular? His SMA eye make-up was a trend and he could have been the most popular if there wasn’t his dating news with Taeyeon. He is the only one getting hate on Pann only.

[+76] Baekhyun and Taeyeon are freaking awesome. They have recovered their popularity.

[+70] Baekhyun’s goods sales are the most. If you are an EXO fan, you must know that.

[+66] My bias is another member but it’s true that Baekhyun is #1 in Korea ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sehun is #1 in China.

[+53] Baekhyun is awesome.

[+44] I used to be an EXO fan and it’s true that Baekhyun is #1

[+31] Baekhyun is a strong stan attractor.

[+20] It’s amazing how Baekhyun is still super popular despite all the controversies. I have to agree that he is charming ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+15] I’m a fan of another group but I agree. After DongBangShinKi, I liked Baekhyun a little bit, in his heyday, he had the most individual fans among idols. He is the type that girls can’t help but liking him. Now that he has been debuted for a long time, but I think he would still be extreme popular if he debuted again at the age of 22. He looks cute like a puppy, but he becomes sexy with makeup. Singing, dancing, even rapping, great fanservices and humor ㅋㅋ he is one of the few born-to-be idols like GD and Xiah Junsu.

[+14] Usually, when we exchange photocards, we trade this member for another member with the same version but the only way we can get this Baekhyun photocard version is to trade with another version of his photocard. It’s hard to collect his photocards. People who say he isn’t the most popular must be those don’t buy albums offline.

[+13] Where is your conscience if you say Baekhyun isn’t the most popular?

[+13] It’s amazing how Baekhyun is still #1 despite his dating news...

[+12] If there isn’t Byun Baekhyun in EXO, EXO will become weaker for real. What I'm curious the most is how powerful he will be when he goes solo. Only looking at his webdrama OST and SM stations… and among EXO-Ls, 40-50% are Baekhyun fans.

[+10] Why again...why you only leave hateful comments when it comes to Baekhyun….

[+10] There are 3 EXO-Ls in our class but all of them are Baekhyun fans. My old friends, one is Kai fan, one is Xiumin fan but my current friends are all Baekhyun fans.

[+9] I also like Baekhyun. But I like only Baekhyun… why? Baekhyun isn’t more handsome than other members but I only like Baekhyun because I only find Baekhyun good and handsome… what is this… I also don’t know why

[+9] In EXO fandom, Baekhyun is #1, isn’t he? Fans of other groups around me also know that.

[+8] I’m also a fan of another group but it’s Baekhyun for sure

[+5] Look at the goods sales and sold-out’s right that Baekhyun is #1.



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