Wednesday, April 22, 2020

[Daum/Theqoo/Instiz] Baekhyun's mbti result is ISFP

Daum: I didn't expect Baekhyun is ISFP at all

- Right! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm very lazy*

- Me too. But he's so different from me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Me too. This is so unexpected ㅋㅋㅋㅋ amazing.

- That's what I was thinking! ISFP is lazy.

- My prediction went wrong.

- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  ISFP you know what I mean ㅋㅋ.

- Me too. But I'm lazy.

- I though Baekhyun would be J. I'm ISFP to the bone but I can never do as I plan to. I'm very lazy.

- Me too. I always get things delayed as long as I can.

- Agree. Baekhyun is just so hardworking.

-  Agree. I'm a lazy king.

- Firstly, I like it as we got the same result. But Baekhyun is a completely different person from me. He's diligent.

- Same. I didn't expect he is "I".

- I expected he would be INFP.

- He's so different from me. I'm a final boss of laziness.

- The only same point is we are home body. Baekhyun is hardworking, isn't he?

That's what I was thinking! I'm always on my bed except when I have meals.

- It's already amazing that a ISFP person can be a celebrity.

- I'm ISFP too but Baekhyun is diligent and does well. But I'm hardworking with my fangirl life.

*I searched and ISFP is said to be a lazy type.

Theqoo: Baekhyun reveals his mbti result after 8 years.

- Same with me.

- I knew Baekhyun will be "I".

- He's so "E" though. Why "I"?
> He's a home-idol.

- Not a fan, so it's freaking unexpected that Baekhyun is "I"

- Fans also expected him to be "I" though.

- Same with me. Is this fate?

- It's not quite shocking among fans as we expected him to be "I".

- Fans all thought he would be "I". He's a home body, and he is the type that spends his time himself.

Instiz: Baekhyun's mbti is ISFP

- Heol my first time knowing an idol that has the same result with me.

- Baekhyun is "I". It's cute.

- He has a great artistic tendency.

- Heol same with me. I though Baekhyun-nim would be "E" as he is bright. This is unexpected.

- I'm ENTJ. It is opposite so if we get married, we would match perfectly.

- We are same except for one letter.

- He only takes good things ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ as expected Baekhyun is an artist. 

- Baekhyun has the same last name with me, same mbti result and hates cucumber as well. Let's get married, honey.

- The only thing we have in common.

- Oh he's the same with me. As expected that he is mine.

- As expected it's different from what fans see. Baekhyun is so "I"



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