Thursday, April 23, 2020

[Youtube] 190712 Baekhyun - Cleaning (MR Removed)

[+729] I have been repeating this but among current idols, he is the best standard of vocalization.

[+624] I didn't think it would be Baekhyun at the first line. This is the song he sang for audition? Is this really his old voice? It would be great if he released a ballad album.

[+574] 1:11 when he sang ~nunmul 'ha' na~ I love Baekhyun's unique way of breathing out.

[+427] Baekhyun's talent is really no joke...woah.. he sings freaking well.

[+376] Baekhyun's next album should be a ballad album. His voice has to sing ballad.

[+334] The song is nicer to listen when Baekhyun sings. His voice is a musical instrument.

[+306] I've hit my forehead several times. I love you. Please sing for a long time.

[+214] I love that Baekhyun's falsetto is so smooth. How can his falsetto comes and goes well without any burden...? He said to take lesson every evening. He's getting better and better.

[+178] I have to say that his emotion delivery is daebak and his tone is solid. I think he sings with all his heart and soul.

[+158] His MR Removed and broadcast version has no difference. He did a very good job.

[+128] Ah I want to hear the song more but I'm sad that it ends like that ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Can't Baekhyun-ssi release a remake album? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+124] Master of Ballad. Master of singing live. I can only be in awe. I'm watching 56 videos in a day. God Baekhyun's voice is a scam. He does the best.

[+105] Baekhyun... is so good at ballad. His emotion expression is the best. His low note is charming. My ears are melting. He suits the best with rock ballad like "Sweet Dream" that he was singing on Knowing Brothers.



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