Monday, April 27, 2020

[Pann] May comeback lineup

Pann: Line up is freaking solid. Who do you anticipate the most?

[+77] Baekhyun... I'm curious whether he would come out with a ballad or "UN Village" style this time?

> For me, I like something like "Dream".. you know what I mean. It'd be great if he does something like confession while singing a sweet love song like "My Love".

> I love all his songs from "UN Village". My favorites are "Diamond", "Stay Up" and "Betcha".

> I think a song like "UN Village" will be insane. Many people seem like this song. I still listen to it a lot.

> I'm also a fan of another group but I like Baekhyun's song freaking much. But "UN Village" style is my favorite, so I hope he would do it.

I'm a fan of another group but I like "UN Village" so freaking much. It's just my style.

> Baekhyun would get #1 for sure if he released a public friendly song, wouldn't he? his fandom is freaking strong. His KimSabu OST is doing well for a long time, isn't it?

> "Betcha" for me too!! Releasing a song like that again or a song like "My Love" is good as well. I think a bit ballad will also be good.

> I'm a fan of another group but I'm anticipating to him a lot. I listened to all songs from "City Light"?, I like them all. Especially "Diamond".

> I quite like "Ice Queen" and "Betcha". I hope he released something like that.

> "Betcha" style for me.

> Personally, "UN Village" is my style.

> "My Love" is so sweet and his voice is so nice that I like it. I hope he does this style.

> Ballad please

> Personally, I hope he released a mellow ballad... Fans of other groups like Baekhyun's voice too.

[+64] Baekhyun. I'm just curious about his concept.
> Agree. His previous album is a masterpiece.
> Same here. I like his song last time very much.

[+62] It's already insane when there are NCT, Baekhyun, IU, Suga, TXT.

[+17] Baekhyun. Baekhyun. I'm looking forward to his solo.

[+13] The lineup is insane. Especially NCT, TXT, Kim Wooseok and Baekhyun. My singers.

[+12] Taeyeon, NCT Dream, NCT 127, Baekhyun... SM is crazy.

[+8] I look forward to Baekhyun's solo a lot as well. 

[+4] NCT Dream, IU, Bolbbalgan4, Baekhyun, Taeyeon, TXT, Chungha.

[+4] Aside from my bias, Baekhyun and Day6 for me. I'm so curious about Baekyun's song style. I hope it's like "Betcha" or "Ice Queen".



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