Wednesday, April 29, 2020

[Youtube] Baekhyun performs 'UN Village' at Yoo Heeyeol's Sketchbook

[+1k] The beat is a freaking unreal. I think I would watch 3 times a day.

[+967] Honestly, for now this original performance version is awkward. I'm more familiar with the MR Removed version.

[+678] From falsetto, real voice to mixed vocals, they all come and go frequently. He sings really well.

[+636] Byun Baekhyun is really freaking unreal, isn't he? he sings well, dances well, is handsome, witty, and cute... there is nothing he lacks of. Where can I find such man like him...

[+399] Oppa, don't rolling rolling when I'm not there....

[+347] If he did the choreography here, it would have been the best stage, so much better and better. It's difficult to believe but it's the truth. Those that haven't watched, please watch his performance where there is choreography included.

[+293] The MR Removed version is so shocking that I have only watched the MR Removed version. The original video is now awkward.

[+282] His live singing is the best. How is this even live singing?

[+209] Byun Baekhyun has the best vocal.

[+147] Baekhyun's voice is love...



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