Monday, March 30, 2020

[Youtube] Baekhyun's motto "Life is a path full of efforts"

Q: Your motto? Baekhyun: Life is a path full of efforts. 1. 0:12~ Baekhyun: In order to upgrade my singing skills, I have been going to take a lot of vocal lessons lately.  2. 0:21~ Baekhyun: Today is a holiday, so there is a lot of traffic. I'm going to take lessons. (Even on...

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

[Pann] Isn't it true that Baekhyun is the real Genius Idol?

Pann: Honestly isn't it true that Baekhyun is the real Genius Idol? OP: His face is like a cute puppy. He is a stan-attractor and also sings well, dances well. His sense overflows and he is good at talking, game (he even got an offer from a pro gamer) he is totally well-rounded. - Speaking...

[Instiz] From Bucheon people.....

- My friend once saw Baekhyun at a PC room in Bucheon. - My senpai at school also saw him at PC room and department store before. They also talked at the PC room, and sat side by side to play game. - My Bucheon friends saw Baekhyun many times when he just debuted. Their houses are close and they said they saw him a lot around the time he debuted.  > True. When Baekhyun debuted, he came to...

Monday, March 23, 2020

[Theqoo/Nate] Baekhyun posted the petition for Nth Room issue

Theqoo: Baekhyun posted the petition for Nth Room issue - Woah he's such a cool person. -  I think it's nice that idols post about this. - I feel grateful for idols who have many foreign fans. He did a good job. - Good job! fck I hope all of them get caught. - Baekhyun-ah,...

[Pann] Baekhyun's solving problem method is wow

OP: To his fans, you guys can trust me, be relieved. To those who make up rumors, stop your bullsh*i and shut up. Isn't it? He solved 2 problems with only one IG Story post. And Baekhyun is one of those who has many followers in our country, the influence is huge just with one story. It's like to kill three birds with one stone. - I think he's smart. - He doesn't say anything but everything...

[Theqoo] Baekhyun to call for punishment of all participants in ‘Nth Room Case’

Theqoo: After EXO Baekhyun posted, just within 20 minutes, more than 10,000 joined the petition to punish all participants - This is such a nice influence. Thank you Baekhyun. - As expected. This is how a nice influence should be. - It's so nice to see a celebrity with huge influence posting...

Sunday, March 22, 2020

[Compilation] Baekhyun - The Pride of Bucheon

(EXO's Baekhyun, I'm Baekhyun, The Pride Of Bucheon) 1. 0:00~ Baekhyunee: Hello~  Chanyeol: Hello~ Who is this and where do you live? Baekhyunee: I'm Byun Baekhyun who is 28 years old, living in Bucheon. 2. 0:10~ MC: How was it in Bucheon? Were you popular? Baekhyunee: No. I was...

Saturday, March 21, 2020

[Youtube] The origin of Baekhyun's name

190404 HuYa TV Q: Is your Korean name divided into Chinese characters and Korean characters? I want to know the meaning of Baekhyun's name. Your name seems to be special. When your parents named you, which meaning did they name you with? Baekhyunee: My maternal grandfather named me. The meaning...

Friday, March 20, 2020

Baekhyun's school days stories from Instagram Live 200320

C: comments B: Baekhyunee C: The blackboard is also water blackboard.  B: Ha! I had that one too~ really~ I'm speechless. B: The chair of the cafeteria, if it's the automatic one, it's really amazing B: Oh, did you wear house shoes (t/n: shoes for wearing indoor)? In our school, we...

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

[Youtube] Online boyfriend and sunbae moments of Baekhyun

Youtube: An Online Boyfriend who there is none in reality. Baekhyun’s memory falsification. Sunbae moments [+266] As I live, I  told myself "if I couldn't meet 100(Baek)Hyun, I would still meet 10Hyun right?" however no matter how I find, there is no such a person like him. There is also no 1Hyun, 0.5Hyun. Baekhyun is the best ㅠㅠㅠ [+179] His face is such an amazing face. There are...

Saturday, March 14, 2020

[Youtube] Baekhyun and his "Love Light friend"

Baekhyun and his "Love Light friend" have known each other since they were kids. (the one who wore all red was Love Light friend) 0:00~  190529 Baekhyun's IG Live Baekhyun: "I'm with my friends. I'm again together with the "Love Light" friend and another friend.  1:13~ Baekhyun and...

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

[Youtube] Compilation of Baekhyun's school-day stories told by him

1. 0:01~ (Q: What did you hate doing the most when you were a kid?) It's solving homework. I had always fallen 2 or 3 weeks behind. So before teacher came, I was always cramming. When I was in elementary school grade 2, I told my mom that I didn't know why I had to do this now. I wouldn't do jobs that made me sit down in the future.  2. 0:22~ When I was in elementary school, do you...

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