Saturday, March 21, 2020

[Youtube] The origin of Baekhyun's name

190404 HuYa TV

Q: Is your Korean name divided into Chinese characters and Korean characters? I want to know the meaning of Baekhyun's name. Your name seems to be special. When your parents named you, which meaning did they name you with?

Baekhyunee: My maternal grandfather named me. The meaning of Baekhyun is to live in the most benevolent way in the world, to live wisely. It's the meaning. The most/the first! In fact, before I was born, my name originally was Baekho. My older brother is Baekbeom. But if put Beom and Ho like this, when we write 맏형/madhyeong: eldest brother (in Chinese characters), we need to write 맏백/madbaek
[photo: Bo (madbaek) = the first/eldest leader, the boss]

It means I would be a tiger, the first leader and that was the original meaning. 
(t/n: 우두머리, the definition I found in dictionary is exactly what Baekhyun said)
But if we use like that, it's kind of too strong. So Baekhyunee is in this world just to live benevolently, wisely make a decision one by one, and take steps. I became Baekhyunee. 
Is this the first time I talk about this? Is Baekho okay? Oh you said Baekhyunee is perfect for me? I know that. 


[+745] Baekhyunee.... how should I say, his name is like a celebrity. It feels like a proper noun. The moment I hear the name, my heart flutters. Baekhyun is the best.

[+721] Byun Baekhyun... not Kim Baekhyun, Choi Baekhyun but Byun Baekhyun... even his name looks heart fluttering.

[+442] To make hearts flutter with only 3 characters, only Baekhyunee can do that with "Byun Baek Hyun"

[+428] Baekhyun's name itself is like from Internet novels. It's really a beautiful name. Before knowing Byun Baekhyun, because of the last name Byun, no matter how beautiful the first name is, it is just... but his name breaks that prejudice. How his last name is even Byun. 



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