[+104] Baekhyun-ah, let's love for a long long time. I realized that I cannot leave the fandom because of the issue this time. Like all the happy things we had for these 8 years, let's love and be happy for the youth in the future too.
[+50] Baekhyun-ah, let's be happy for a long long time. I can't leave you, oppa! oppa, you hold a very big portion of a day of mine. Thus, oppa, I cannot leave...
Sunday, January 19, 2020
[Pann] Why do EXO-Ls fall for Baekhyun?
Pann: I wonder why do EXO-Ls fall for Baekhyun?
[+173] Everyone would have their own biases but in there hearts, they still dream about a Cha Eunwoo, am I right? In that case, it’s Byun Baekhyun to me. I have my own bias, but Baekhyun has kind of charm that my heart still flutters and I feel better when I see him. He’s not the most handsome in the group, but he keeps catching my attention.
Friday, January 17, 2020
[Compilation] Anecdotes about Baekhyun from staff/journalists
1. 2019.03.28
I was helping an acquaintance and I had seen him in front of my eyes for a couple of hours. He received a lot of love from the staff. I was surprised! His shoulders are really broad and his face is tiny. Whenever we had an eye contact, he smiled. I spaced out in that moment. When he entered, and said ~Hello~~~ camera-nim, PD-nim like everyone asked him ~how have you been? oh you changed...
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
[Youtube] "My Love" - Baekhyun
Youtube: "My Love" - Baekhyun
[+2.5k] His voice just makes people's hearts flutter.
[+2.2k] Baekhyun's voice is like to be already immersed into the drama. Even when the song was played during the preview of "Romantic Doctor", I don't know why it feels kind of touching, dim, and mysterious that I like it a lot... Please sing more OSTs in the future.
[+1.8k] The reason why I like...
Thursday, January 9, 2020
[Blog] Byun Baekhyun's growth process since early childhood to debut

1. Early childhood
Baby days
2. Elementary school
JungHeung Elementary school
Byun Baekhyun who had thought to be always thin since birth
> there was only this period that he was chubby (145cm 48kg)
> Elementary...