Sunday, November 29, 2015

[Pann] I envy Baekhyun so much to be honest

OP: Honestly, Baekhyun has made lots of efforts, but I think he’s one of easy cases. He got casted into SM in front of a music college and debuted after 7-8 months with EXO, a very popular group. He dated Taeyeon who he had liked before. I think he wins at life.I saw comments below that Baekhyun couldn’t...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

[Naver] EXO's exposure incident "Baekhyun showed his cheerful quick reaction"

During a song, a curtain fell down while EXO were changing clothes behind…At that time, Baekhyun, one of the members changing clothes fastest, came in the front stage dancing to distract fans’ attention. His quick improvisation and consideration for other members got fans’ cheers and made them laugh. [+67;0]...

Monday, November 23, 2015

[Pann/Instiz] Baekhyun and Suzy will release a jazzy christmas song?

Pann: Suzy was asked about Baekhyun. *** OP: Suzy had a photobook fansign on Sunday, and a fan asked her what did she do with Baekhyun. She said ~secret~ cutely, more details would be revealed later. I only know it will be a jazzy Chrismas song, there could be an MV or digital as well. - But the photos...

Saturday, November 21, 2015

[Pann/Instiz/Weibo] A leaked photo of Baekhyun and Suzy

* I don’t upload the picture because it was leaked Pann: Baekhyun and Suzy have a duet. Overall [+183;-17][+105;-5] Heol crazy I’m happy as an EXO-L and Suzy’s fan.[+104;-1] Suzy’s voice color and Baekhyun’s are really my favorite… I’m looking forward to it… Those idiot fans of other groups are wedging...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

[Naver] EXO Xiumin - Baekhyun, cover for fashion magazine revealed 'Heart-warming chemistry' (Pictorial)

[+938;-111] Heol heol they’re handsome. EXO! Let’s love![+849;-79] I’m always grateful for pictiorial like that.[+757;-77] So heart-warming [+708;-72] They really look heart-warming ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ[+691;-75] Baekhyun-ah, Minseok-ah ㅠㅠ Hwating and I love you.[+174;-12] They realy look so good~ I can feel...

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

[Naver] Hong Jonghyun, in talk to join 'Moon Lovers' as a male lead

[+719;-85] I feel bad for Lee Junki. Why he has to film a drama like that… [+495;-45] I feel jealous of the female lead already. [+287;-30] All of them are handsome, but the picture of Kang Haneul ㅠㅠ [+302;-105] I’m looking forward to the male leads… [+128;-6] I don’t know about Baekhyun’s acting...

[Naver] 'Moon Lovers' Lee Junki - Kang Haneul - Baekhyun, this dream lineup will complete?

[+120;-4] I know that’ll be a heartthrob… please save me from a heart attack[+100;-10] EXO-Ls ourselves don’t have to edit sa-geuk pictures of Baekhyun anymore. I love you. I’m gonna crazy.[+88;-14] Heol crazy. Heol jebal, Baekhyun-ah, take it. Heol[+74;-3] Those 3 in the same drama…woah that’s such...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

[Instiz/Naver/Pann/Weibo] EXO Baekhuyn, make a drama debut with "Moon Lovers"

Instiz: Baekhyun makes a drama debut with ‘Moon Lovers’ - Whoa daebak. It will be interesting since Kim Gyutae will be a director.- So we can see Baekhyun’s natural acting again.- He’ll play a prince role? I think he suits it.- I hope he won’t have any loveline and won’t be the 4th prince or the 8thone.-...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

[Instiz] Yang-deok's random OTP

*yang-deok (Europe or American deok-hu) + Click Source for more pictures- Omo goosebumps- What is that?- One of my friends even ship Kai and Jongin, so I can understand this one.> D.O. and Kyungsoo, too> There’s Baekie and Hyunie as well…- OMG daebak- Someone made that joke on Tumblr…I’ll ship...

[Pann] Explanation for Lightsaber

- Jongin who is injured sitting on a bathtub > Handsome boy who is injured.- Sehun who goes into Jedi bar > Handsome boy.- Convenience store Baekhyun > Handsome boy who is eating candy.- Jongin who wears a white shirt > Handsome boy who is dancing.- Motobike Sehun > Handsome boy who is...

[Pann] Reason why Baekhyun isn't an MC for 'The Competent' anymore

The program ‘The Competent’’s recording has been done on weekends, but Baekhyun also usually has overseas schedules on weekends. So it’s hard for him to join the filming. Overall [+54;-3][+26;-1] Isn’t it honestly true? It’s hard for EXO to be fixed members of a variety programs. If only they record...

[Pann] Dokgo

OP: I heard Yeo Jingoo has filmed a new movie*, is that the one with Baekhyun?Is that that movie? I heard they cast Sungjun as well, I saw it on the main Naver. It’s said Jingoo didn’t join the movie(Dokgo) because of his entrance exam. So they are still postponing the movie with Baekhyun?- Dokgo fell over.- Dokgo itself fell over? Or they’re looking for another male lead?- I think he(Jingeo)’s filmed...

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

[Instiz] "EXO-Ls... We haven't done anything for you..."

- Why you haven’t done anything?? You’ve been standing on stage for us, haven’t you? That’s enough.- Your words are beautiful. You have done a lot for us already.- Baekhyun knows everything. I have to work hard on voting. - As long as EXO’s still there…- Why you haven’t done anything for us… we thanks...

[Instiz] Baekhyun hits the spot today in Tokyo Dome with his ment for EXO fans

Suho told fans in Tokyo Dome to take pictures where they were waving hands. And Baekhyun said there was no pictures in Japan.Baekhyun obviously knows that Japan is famous for not allowing pictures, videos. As expected of Byun-tizen. - Japanese!!! Let’s share!!- Island girls (Japansese)… jebal…please-...

Monday, November 2, 2015

[Weibo] 151028 Elle IG Update with Baekhyun

Overall [+2065] [+737]- I too am feeling shy now, at this middle of the night!!!- Aiya you are always so open when you flirt with fans, why are you shy now???- Every time Bai Bai smiles, i will unconsciously smile as well.- Why are you hiding, it makes it even more seductive. It feels like his face is blushing.- That “good night”…. I won’t be able to sleep tonight….- He got shy after saying that....

[Weibo] Baekhyun on 'Cool Kiz on the Block'

1. Everybody’s shocked reaction when they hear that he won the gold medal at the national championship.  Overall [+237]- Don’t stop me. I am going to brag about this for the rest of my life. - National representative gold medalist.- I want to hug chubby young Xian Xian.- After calming down, other...

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