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- Omo goosebumps
- What is that?
- One of my friends even ship Kai and Jongin, so I can understand this one.
> D.O. and Kyungsoo, too
> There’s Baekie and Hyunie as well…
- OMG daebak
- Someone made that joke on Tumblr…I’ll ship Baekbama, too
- Woah unexpected. I was shocked rolling down and there’s Baekhyun.
- I know yang-deoks are usually random but this… Obama…
- Why Baekhyun even goes that far? LOL
- I can’t even imagine it.
- I was like ~It’s not our Baekhyun, right?~ but it turns out to be him.
- This otp is somehow really popular
- BaekBama is a legendary. LOL everytime I see it.
- Btw i-fans’ photoshop skill is so good.
- Baekhyun’s so shippable
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