Wednesday, November 11, 2015

[Pann] Reason why Baekhyun isn't an MC for 'The Competent' anymore

The program ‘The Competent’’s recording has been done on weekends, but Baekhyun also usually has overseas schedules on weekends. So it’s hard for him to join the filming.

Overall [+54;-3]

[+26;-1] Isn’t it honestly true? It’s hard for EXO to be fixed members of a variety programs. If only they record on Monday or Tuesday…

[+23;-1] FNC put other celebrities away to put Jung Hyungdon in.

[+8;0] ㅠㅠ Such a pity.

[+5;0] EXO’s just started their activities in Japan… they’re overwoking but it’s such a pity ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ fixed variety ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+2;0] Such a pity… I wanted to see Hyunie.

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