Saturday, May 13, 2023

[Youtube] KIA Tigers initially reached out to BaekhyunTown to put Baekhyun birthday advertisement at their Champions Field

Youtube: KIA Tigers initially reached out to BaekhyunTown to put Baekhyun birthday advertisement at their Champions Field

- I'm a fan of KIA, but it was amazing and I like it a lot! I also called Baekhyun's fans around me and told them I saw it LOL KIA and Baekhyun, hwaiting ❤️

- If it doesn't negatively affect the players, and at the same time it can also help attract new fans, so I'm thinking positively.

- But I think this kind of collaboration is good. It seems they are helping each other. I think we can aim for attracting each other's fan base which is full of loyal and longtime fans. I hope this to happen more often.

- KIA baseball fans are also thinking about this very positive. The majority of responses is "They are good at business".

- The KIA team had a good idea. Thanks to that, fans who don't know baseball came to the baseball stadium and they also received advertising fees.

- The people in charge are really genius.

- Happy birthday, Baekhyun-nim.

- Jokes from baseball fans and Baekhyun fans on Twitter are also so fun.



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