Wednesday, May 17, 2023

[Theqoo] Baekhyun’s sock group order attracts lots of attention from muggles and fans of other artists

Theqoo: The reason why ‘Sock Group Order’ is trending on Twitter 

- Heol should I buy too? If he opens group order, y’all must let me know.

- If he opens group order, please make sure you post on Theqoo!

- Heol can I join even when I’m not Eri? I listened to Baekhyun’s songs a lot, I can provide proof.

- Can fans of other artists buy too? I want to buy.

- No but I can be a fan of Baekhyun starting today? Please 

- Baekhyun-nim, if you hold a group order, can muggles join too?

- My friend’s sister is Eri. Can I join too?

- Can I stream Baekhyun-ssi’s UN Village, so he lets me join too?

- Baekhyun-ssi, I’ll listen to UN Village diligently. Please open  group order.

- Thanks to Baekhyun, I got to know about Olive Young having a sale last time. I have good impression on him.

- I’m 2D who listened to UN Village a lot, can he add oatmeal color?

- I’m sorry but I like Baekhyun-ssi’s songs too. Can you count me in?

- My bias’s bias is Baekhyun. Count me in too!

- I’m not Eri but I listen to Baekhyun’s whole solo album. Is it okay? His Japanese album is also in my playlist.

- Baekhyun-ssi, I’ll stream your songs. Fans, let me know when the group order details are out.

- I’m KPop fan. We are family, aren’t we? Count me in!

- My roommate is EXO-L! Am I qualified?

- I’m gonna buy too. I’m fond of Baekhyun. Eri unnies, take me too!

- My idol debuted in the same year 2012, count me in too!

- Count me in too! I’m just a muggle but we are same age.

- I’m a fan of another artist that is closed to an EXO member, when he opens group order, I want to join too.

- Ah I’m not a fan but I’m a sock collector, where can I buy?

- Baekhyun-ssi is really charming. When he opens group order, I want to join. 

- I came from Bucheon too. Count me in too!

- Theqoo is unified with a sock group order. But Baekhyun-ssi is totally group order holder materials on Twitter. He’s cute and sweet. Such a King of communication.

- I’m KIA fan and it’s so funny here. 

- I’m a Theqoo muggle. I want to buy too.

- I have listened to Baekhyun-ssi Candy 100 times though. Can I join too?



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