Wednesday, May 10, 2023

[Theqoo/Twitter] Baekhyun gifted a huge Teolaegi to a kid fan on Children's Day at his birthday party


1. An 8-year-old kid likes Baekhyun, so she came to his birthday party with her guardian.
2.  At the end, Baekhyun wanted to give the kid the huge Teolaegi he had with him during the entire birthday party as a surprising gift. 
3. He was supposed to do , but the audience shouted to give it to the kid.
4. Baekhyun heard it and personally went down to directly hand the huge Teolaegi to the kid. It's Children's Day today. 

- It's like the princess came to see the prince.

- Princess, hope today to be your best Children's Day.

- It's so heartwarming to hear the fans shouting ~give it to the kid~ it's the Children's Day today.

- I think the kid will remember this for the rest of her life. Hope you have a nice Children's Day, little princess!

- After a long tiring day, reading post like this makes my heart a little warmer. Both fans and Baekhyun are cute.

- The fans are so heartwarming. Honestly fans must have wanted it, but it's so beautiful that they wanted the kid to receive it instead.

- The world became more heartwarming after I saw this.

- Sometimes little thing like this makes me believe that kindness still exists. 

- Lovely... I feel happy too to read such a nice story on Children's Day.

- Little good action leaves big impact. Hope the kid will have a good memory.

- Ah it's so beautiful... the photo is like from a movie.

Twitter: (viral tweet)

- This time is daebak as well.

- I'm crying reading this. The mom seems to be a fan too, but she gave the seat at the 1st floor to the daughter, and she went to the 3rd floor. This is mom's love as well.

- He is straight up the Leader of first tier.

- This is the most beautiful 'A-ju-ra' (give to the kid)

- This oppa always has novel-like things.

- And Baekhyun has become the president yet?

- Baekhyun-sama

- Seeing this makes me happy too.

- Baekhyun's existence is the welfare of life.

- Is Byun Baekhyun an angel..?

- Baekhyun-oppa is the whole nation.

- The fans are so heartwarming.

- Baekhyun to the National Assembly !

- I'm crying!

- That's cute. I was reading the quotes and I wondered what's "a-ju-ra". I did search it and it turns out that it's a culture at a baseball match, when an adult catches a homerun ball or foulball, others would shout "Give it to the kid". Baekhyun-ah, give Teolaegi to the kid!

- Someone said this the 'A-ju-ra' of idol world. This is touching. Hope the kid to have an unforgettable Children's Day.

- Ah the photo where everyone is happy.

- What to do.. Baekhyun go for the President.

- As expected of Baekhyun and unnies that love Baekhyun.

- As expected that the president is different.

- Why am I watching a drama... this is a drama... Eris are the cutest.

- Just thinking that the kid would remember this day for the rest of her life makes my heart warmer.

- I'm so weak at touching thing like this.

- This is 'A-ju-ra' idol version (in a positive meaning)

- People that love cool person are even kind.

- Everyone is so nice. They are nice that everyone is happy.

- This poppy's life is like a novel.

- Guys, we have the president here.

- The world is still heartwarming. Sweet Kim Yeoju unnies.

- This is so romantic and sweet.

- Eri unnies, this is so sweet and touching of you.



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