Friday, October 8, 2021

[Instiz] What makes Baekhyun popular?

Instiz: This suddenly came across my mind. Baekhyun is popular because of his face.

OP: I think rather than personality or skills, his face plays a bigger role. It's really like most in-demand type.

- I became a fan because of his face... but that he is a main vocalist is an advantage.

- Of course because of his face too... He even attracted fans with only one debut teaser, at that time we didn't even know he was a main vocalist.
> True. I became a fan because of his face, but then I became a hardcore fan because his love for fans and his skills.

- Starting becoming his fan because of his face, but becoming a hardcore fan because of his personality and skills right?

- I became his fan because of his face, but his personality closed the exit way.

- For idols, I think face comes first...then it's about charm (personality) and skills.

- True. Because appearance is the first impression anyway.

- I also became a fan for his face.

- It's completely opposite of what I think. Personality, skills, and communication are more than face.

- That he digests all the stylings plays an important role.

- Face, personality, aura, skills, he is just the ideal type of females. He isn't the male lead (Kim Yeojoo) for no reason.

- He looks heart-fluttering. And I like the duality of him between onstage and offstage.

- First of all, (face) is obviously an important factor to attract fans. Baekhyun has already been popular since his debut teaser. That was when he high fived with the puppy. And he is even talented, so he became big.

- His face is really my favorite one.

- Uhm I'm a fan of another artist, but I think his personality plays a very big role. He has the personality that gains many fans? Anyway it's just my opinion.

- His face is my style. For me, face and skills are the most important. And personality blocks the exit way.

- Becoming a fan for his face but can't leave him because of his skills. Of course there are also people who become fans because of his skills. It depends.

- Of course it's his face... but he's good at everything, not just his face.

- Honestly I also became a fan for his face, but it would be boring quickly if it's only about face. He sings well and he himself has the charm that make me unable to leave.

- It's because of his personality for me. I had a good impression on him.

- It's true that face would come first, but then skills + talents + personality etc. everything combines so that he can maintain his popularity for a long time.

- Everything is perfect. That person is Byun Baekhyun.

- He just doesn't lack anything. The best idol.

- Baekhyun is a combination of everything along with his face. There are only a few idols who are popular at the very beginning like Baekhyun.



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