Monday, September 6, 2021

[Theqoo] Baekhyun's OST holds viewers back from leaving

(t/n: to Hong Chun Gi drama fans or actor/actress fans, these are knetizens' comments related to Baekhyun only. The drama and the cast also gain many compliments and I think you may find them on other places. Here are only about Baekhyun related comments)

Theqoo: Number 1 at holding Hong Chun Gi viewers back from leaving

OP: The prior content (of the episode) is glamorized completely with Baekhyun's OST at the ending.

- Agree ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The song is fcking good.

- Agree ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- The song does the acting. It's the completion of the drama.

- I don't watch this drama but every time the trailers come out, I'm like "Woah the song is so good" and I put it into my playlist and I'm replaying it every day lately.

- The drama becomes different every time the OST is played... not a fan of Baekhyun, but drama fan.

- The song completes the story.

- Agree... it's like the magic that makes all the feelings understandable.

- For real... so I'm not the only one thinking like that.

- Agree ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the song is well-picked and it really matches his voice well that maximizes the result.

- Ah for real ㅋㅋㅋ Baekhyun's voice is insane.

- Baekhyun's voice is fcking unreal... he makes me immersed in the the drama.

- I saw the screenshots of hot drama Hong Chun Gi, then I was like "What is even this drama?" I watched it and the chemistry between Kim Yoojung and Ahn Hyoseop is good and I agree with OP. The song came out at the ending and I like it so much that it makes me immersed into the drama. 

- I looked for the song after the drama ended today.

- Suddenly so much emotions when the OST is played... it's at the level of empathy inducer.

- Agree agree. The song is fcking good.

- The song is good, but the drama's quality is really...

- OST is so good.

- For real. Baekhyun's OST is the narrative of the main couple.

- It feels like the whole story completes out of sudden. I like it how the mood becomes sorrowful.

- Agree. It was boring at the beginning and it got more fun in the second half, and when Baekhyun's OST came out, it completes the story. The preview is well picked there too.

- I don't watch this drama, but I heard a bit of the song while I was in my room and I had to search for it.

- Ah it's true. The feeling of love with the unique characteristic of historical drama is fcking insane.

- I feel like I'm immersed in it as soon as the song is played... it's amazing like the fan above said the song is acting.

- The song is fcking good.

- At the end when I heard of the song, my heart swells. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

- Every time I listen to Baekhyun's OST, I always think that the narration in his voice is awesome. And this song is also like that seriously. It's an actual historical-drama OST itself.

- I'm the one who searched for the drama to watch after hearing the song.

- Agree. I became all emotional.

- Agree. The sadness itself. Baekhyun's vocals match well.

- The main couple appeared today and when the song is played, it was daebak.

- The song is fcking good. The national anthem of Dan country (t/n: the drama set during the Dan dynasty era)

- The combination of the preview and the OST is the best. My memory about the devil/ghost in the prior part disappeared.

- It's true ㅋㅋㅋㅋ visuals of main couple and Baekhyun's OST make me unable to drop every time.

- It's true. I like the song a lot and the drama is fun too.

- Honestly, the last 5 minutes, preview and Baekhyun's OST did it all.


- 5-minute ending of Hong Chun Gi is seriously God-like... it grabs the deserters by collar... Baekhyun-ssi's voice is almost like at the level of D.P. (in military) who catches deserters back. 

- Hong Chun Gi, what would the drama have done without Baekhyun's OST? let's get Baekhyun-ssi out of the army. Let's ask him to sing one more OST.

- If Hong Chun Gi did well, be nice to Baekhyun-ssi. Only when I listen to the OST, I forgot all the prior contents, and I became all sad by myself.

- Please double Baekhyun's OST.

- They need to pay for Baekhyun's performance fee...

- What's this? It's insane. Hong Chun Gi's ending appeared on my timeline and as soon as I heard Baekhyun's Is It Me, I cried. No matter how often I cry while watching dramas lately, I didn't shed any tears after hearing just one line of OST though?

- The ending of Hong Chun Gi episode 3, finally the timing is matching. The birth of legendary scene with the appearance of Baekhyun's OST. I got goosebumps when Is It Me was played... the OST is the drama story itself. Thanks to it, I will be watching the next episode.

- Is this Hong Chun Gi timeline or Baekhyun fan timeline. I'm being confused.

- Today too, as expected highlight at the end is Baekhyun's OST. So good. And Hong Chun Gi is fun. Everyone please watch it!

- Tip for Hong Chun Gi to boom: Keep up the love line + Baekhyun-ssi's OST, you get it?



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