Friday, June 25, 2021

[Daum/Theqoo] 5 songs that confirm Baekhyun's talent (From music critic Kim Yoonha)

Daum: (rough trans, not a whole post)

There are various criteria for being good at singing. Vocalists that can comfortably reach four high notes like magic or can freely use various kinds of vocalization such as head voice, chest voice, full voice are praised for being good at singing everywhere. These days, the 'perfect voice color', which overshadows all those skills, is attracting attention. And there is Baekhyun is in the intersection established by all these talents. Baekhyun's voice, which debuted as a main vocalist of EXO in 2012, is the variety of K-pop charms itself.

EXO – Monster (2016)

There are many cases in which main vocalists usually sing high-pitched parts that are difficult for lead or sub vocalists to digest, but Baekhyun is also often in charge of the intros. Especially, "Monster," which had to create an atmosphere only by pushing and pulling without special melody, is the song that boasts about the highest level of difficulty among the roles he has played so far.

Baekhyun – Take You Home (2017)

[Main vocalists usually has to deal with songs that are full of fierce without any reason, they have the capacities to digest the desired concepts, but they might forget the tone and texture of their original voice they used to have] Baekhyun is a vocalist that has consistently prepared breathing hole with soft pops. "Take You Home" (along with Dream) is a great example to explain the current soloist Baekhyun, who has grown up as an R&B vocalist.

Baekhyun – Candy (2020)

In 2019, the direction of his first ever solo album "City Lights" since his debut was well-defined.

Baekhyun, who somehow left the first impression that he seemed to be pushed by the strong lineup (of producers and composers), returned after 10 months with his second mini album "Delight", which cleared all the doubts that his first album had. The title track "Candy" was a song that gave shape to Baekhyun's character and voice expressing the sweetness, which is soft but never light, in a trendy way.

SuperM - I Can't Stand The Rain (2019)

As expected that Baekhyun's voice, which is also in charge of main vocalist in the group, draws a quite interesting picture within this new framework.

[They have the ambition to dominate the global market] Baekhyun does his best to demonstrate the spirit of South Korea, K by going back and forth between chest voice and head voice. The only thing that safely guides listeners to K-pop and SMP zone is Baekhyun's vocal full of pop music essence and sensibility.

Baekhyun – All I Got (2021)

Through this song, for the first time Baekhyun shows off an image full of confidence that does not hide any charm and any energy of his voice. It's not only because of the high destructive power of the falsetto at the beginning. Baekhyun's voice is the one spraying paint, rolling, playing here and there on a white drawing paper, which seems to be finished calmly without any trouble. Especially, at Baekhyun’s solo adlib, which is after the bridge part made of only chorus at around 3’, it feels like a revenge of vocalist Baekhyun who wanted to play properly with his own voice. This is also the reason why there is in increasing of expectations where we wonder whether we will be able to see more things going beyond the safe fence of pop R&B in his next album.


- I came thinking of UN Village.

- Especially Baekhyun's UN Village... everything like chest voice, head voice and vocal range about it is the top class... people knows may know but it looks easy but it is never easy. And because of wide vocal ranges or short of breath, I wonder how he sings it so easily. Among idols I think the reason why his collaborations and OSTs are successful is because of his efforts and capacity to easily move between head voice and chest voice, emotional and clean voice color which is pleasant to listen to. He is said to enlist, and it's such a pity that I can't listen to Baekhyun's new song for the mean time. Hope he goes and comes back healthily.


- Please sing a lot in the future too.

- Those are all the masterpieces I know.

- He really sings well. I want to add here Love Again, Underwater, and Cry For Love.

- All I Got was insane...

- I want to add Love Again and Love Scene.

- I think Baekhyun always sings well, but I feel like (his talents) are surely confirmed after he released his solo albums. Seriously the quality of his solo albums is awesome and he sings so fcking well.

- His OST is also daebak. He is so good at singing.

- All the songs from his latest album are insane.

- When I first listened to All I Got, I still remember I was shocked. It was the first time I had the feeling that "He is a person whose skills are awesome to this extent, the person who reached nirvana playing with his own song as much as he wants to."

- He is so fcking good at his own job.

- Even the 5 songs that were picked have big differences. His spectrum is fcking wide.

- All I Got is really the peak... I think his latest solo album is all about showing an image of a vocalist, but All I Got is the best among the songs. It is like he has reached the stage where all his music abilities are completely perfect. His adlib gives me fcking goosebumps.

- His vocals are seriously fcking awesome.

- I knew there would be All I Got. I can never forget the tremble I had when I first heard it.

- Why are there no Bambi and UN Village?

- Deciding on 5 songs only doesn't seem enough. Please review around 100 songs.

- For real. He is a trust-to-listen vocalist.



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