Tuesday, March 23, 2021

[Instiz] The best-ever covers of Baekhyun's solo albums

1st Mini album City Lights

2nd Mini album Delight

3rd Mini album Bambi

1st Japanese Mini album BAEKHYUN


- They are so pretty.

- The yellow background version of the number 2 is really pretty.

- That yellow and fish versions are fcking pretty..

- Now it would be perfect if only SM released LP version. SM! I want to get LP.
> I'm a fan of another artist but I'm going to buy 6 right away.
> I'm a fan of another artist but I'm going to buy too.

- I like the covers of City Lights. 

- The Jewel cases are insane.

- I'm a fan of another artist but I will buy the album this time. Because why his albums are so pretty every time!!

- For real I'm a fan of another artist but the covers are so pretty, so I buy one. The album is really pretty.

- Even his Japanese albums are pretty.

- Ah crazy I'm a fan of another artist but all are pretty. Should I buy all...

- I'm a fan of another artist but I want to buy too.

- The color is also so pretty.

- The way I want them all.

- This time the Jewel cases are well-picked. They are fcking pretty.

- Delight is really the most daebak.

- I still don't understand why the Mint version was so small, but it's so pretty.

- Ah so fcking pretty. The Honey version is still the legend even when I look at it now.

- I think even if we make them as interior decoration, they will be very pretty.

- They all are different albums, but there is the unique vibe of only Baekhyun. Everything is pretty.

- I really need to buy Jewel cases.

- I'm a fan of another artist and I just came to take a look, but the covers are all pretty, but it's better to order the Jewel cases as soon as possible (from my experience).

- The restaurant of album covers.

- They give off the magazine vibe. So pretty.

- Oh pretty... I'm a fan of another artist but I want to buy because album is so pretty. The designs are the best..👍🏻



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