Monday, March 22, 2021

[Instiz/Theqoo] Baekhyun reveals Album Details for 'Bambi'


- So pretty.

- That's crazy... they are fcking pretty. The CDs are so pretty.

- Heol I'm going to buy it.

- Baekhyun fans, are they doing group orders?

- It's worth waiting for the album details. So pretty.

- The Jewel cases are so pretty.

- I was only looking forward to the Photobook version but the Jewel cases come out so pretty.

- Look at the Misty cover wow

- I think the Jewel cases are prettier.

- The Jewel cases are the prettiest.

- They look fresh and pretty.

- I need to buy more.

- I like Dreamy version.

- The CDs are fcking pretty.


- The fish CD is so pretty.

-  Something about that transparent thing is pretty. It feels like an aquarium.

- The formation is very nice.

- Why are the Jewel cases so pretty like this?

- I have no money so I thought of giving up on the Jewel cases, but I don't think I can now.

- They look brilliant.

- They make me want to buy it. They are good at raising purchasing desire.

- The Jewel cases are pretty. I'm a fan of another artist but I want to buy too.

- I'm a fan of another artist but I'm going to buy the Jewel case. Should I buy Misty or Dreamy?

- Baekhyun is really the restaurant of albums.

- I'm about to buy Jewel cases.



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