Tuesday, January 26, 2021

[Pann/Instiz] Baekhyun gets nominated for 'Best Pop Album' at Korean Music Awards (KMA)

Pann: Nominees for 2021's KMA

- I’m a fan of another artist and I can prove it. Of course Baekhyun is popular, but if you exclude popularity then look at him, this time he has many high-quality songs during his solo activities, so I hope he could achieve a big and good award. Of course his results were also very good, but the quality of his albums are so high that I still enjoy listening to them, especially ‘Candy’ album. (Best comment)

- When you exclude Baekhyun's popularity and see the quality of his album, the quality of his album is no joke. And that album of Baek Yerin too, all the songs including b-sides are really good.
> Baekhyun and Baek Yerin for real.

- Heol what's with Baekhyun...

- All solo songs of Byun Baekhyun are very good. I hope he can win the award.

Pann: Heol Baekhyun gets nominated at KMA

OP: This award show is different from those that give awards to attendants or those that give as they want to, it's a really strict and prestigious award ceremony, so it is already great to be nominated.

- The quality of his album is insane.

- It's great to be nominated for such a prestigious award with solo album. I see him in a new light.

- I'm not a fan and it was my first time listening to Baekhyun's songs through that album. It is really well-made. I think his vocals are really unique. Aside from R&B music? I think he suits sad ballad as well.

- It's fcking awesome. Insane.

- I'm a fan of another artist but I think I listened to Baekhyun's 'Poppin' for 100 times.

- He got nominated then I hope he will win the award too.

- It's real that the more people are jealous (of him), the more successful he is.

- He is already successful but I still hope more and more people will listen to (the album/him)

- Baekhyun's album quality is really daebak.

- Baekhyun's solo songs are all good.

- I'm so proud of him to get nominated as a soloist. Looking forward to his solo activities.

- I'm a fan of another artist, but Baekhyun's solo album and songs are really all good. I really like them all.

- King Hyun.

- 'Delight' is a masterpiece.

- Even when it has been months since it was released, there is no album except for 'Delight' that I still play the whole album. It's really a masterpiece.

- 'Love Again' and 'Bungee' are my most favorite songs.

- *Shaking* I was predicting that his first album would win the award. The quality of that album is just fcking high-class.

Instiz: What is the meaning of KMA to idols' fans?

- It tends to be hard to win the awards as they evaluate the musicality.

- It's an award ceremony that give awards based on musicality, so it's rare for an idol to win. There are more indie artists winning.

- Musicality... first of all, it's already hard for idols to get nominated.

Instiz: Is KMA that great?

- The award ceremony where they give awards by evaluating the musicality. No one would be complaining even if it is based on judging process.

- Yes. It's great. You can't compare it to MAMA and Melon Music Award. They give awards based on musicality.

- The award ceremony where they give awards based on musicality only. Getting nominated is already great.

- It's the only award ceremony in our country that is prestigious and no one would complain.

- Yup yup. It's hard to win and also hard to get nominated.

- If someone asks if there is any Grammy Awards in Korea which only look at musicality without the public recognition, KMA is close to it. For Grammy Awards, the people working in the industry/ associations vote, right? excluding fans' opinions. It's fine to see KMA that way, too.



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