Saturday, January 23, 2021

[Pann/Instiz] Baekhyun Ha Sungwoon Im Hanbyul IG Live + IU's Palette + Vocal type vs Perform type

Pann: Baekhyun Ha Sungwoon Im Hanbyul IG Live 

- I'm a Haneul, but it's fortunate that Sungwoon has a friend (hyung) like Baekhyun-nim. He (Baekhyun) gives him many advice on singing and even a god advice that he must not lose his own voice while practicing. This is such a desirable friendship.

- The people who are really sincere about singing... I'm a Baekhyun's fan but it was a nice IG live.

- That they are so sincere about their job is fcking good.

- They are the ones that are already good enough at singing, but still constantly study and make efforts, such cool people. They are truly admirable.

- This is out of topic, but while I was watching, Im Hanbyul-nim as well as Ha Sungwoon-nim use the phrase '고게 맞쥐*/goge maj-jwi (that's right)', but only Baekhyun didn't use it. It is the popular phrase found by Baekhyun, but he doesn't use. I happen to be obsessed over Baekhyun's version of 'goge maj-jwi'.
> Baekhyun did say 
goge maj-jwi in the IG live. Im Hanbyul said it, so he followed after. If you search on Twitter, short clip will come out right away.
(t/n: A member of NCT said NCT's Mark learned the phrase from Baekhyun, then it became popular among NCT members and their fandom, then a member of Aespa also uses it, so it is said to be a popular phrase in SM. Many people started using it. But in this IG live, fans found Baekhyun saying it for the first time. You can watch this video X)

- Byun Baekhyun... it's cool of him to be serious about his job, and we are also sincere toward you as well... I like you only for a long long time.

- The topic was almost all about singing. It's nice that they are greedy about singing.

- The real singers.

- Ah seriously, my bias is Ha Sungwoon, and my most favorite singing style is Im Hanbyul as well as Baekhyun-nim whom I thought his idol capabilities (face, skills, performance, manner) are always 100 points. It's fortunate that our Sungwoon have only good people around him.

- As the more I see Baekhyun, the more I feel like he is person who is strong and self-centered, that is good. And he looks like he has high dignity and he is relaxed.

- Ha Sungwoon, Im Hanbyul, Byun Baekhyun, and even Kim Jaehwan who wrote comments have such a desirable friendship. They are all good singers, but it was nice to see how they can make efforts, share their concerns and tips with each other, and give each other good influence. Honestly, we don't have many opportunities to see the efforts behind idols, so it is good to see our biases' attitude toward their work and singing.

Pann: Idols that (make) you wonder what would they do if they wasn't celebrities

- I remember people said even if Byun Baekhyun wasn't an idol, he would still be popular and be called an idol of this or that field as an ordinary person. If he worked in PC bang (internet cafe), he would be an idol of PC bang industry. If he worked at a convenience store, he would be an idol of convenience store industry. If I worked for a company, he would be an idol of a certain company. If he was a cook, he would be an idol in the cooking industry, etc...

- Byun Baekhyun is completely Genius Idol. And Kai is so sexy when he dances.

- Baekhyun for real.

- I agree on Baekhyun and Jennie.

- I agree on Baekhyun and Jennie so much.

- I really agree on GD and Baekhyun.

- I totally agree on Baekhyun and Jang Wonyoung.

Pann: Whom you guys want to appear on IU's Palette?

- Baekhyun. I want to see the Moon Lovers' combination again.

- Do you guys know the fan-edit video of Baekhyun and IU's singing 'UN Village'? If you guys watch this, you guys will really root for Baekhyun-nim. Seriously ㅠㅠㅠ I cry every day while watching this, must watch it... You guys won't regret.

- EXO's Baekhyun.

- Ah, GD and Baekhyun for real. I hope they will appear on the show. [...] For Baekhyun, I was seriously into 'Moon Lovers' and I'm really looking forward to hearing their voice combination. I hope they both can release a song together.

- D.O., Baekhyun, GD, I hope any of them can appear.

Instiz: Is Baekhyun a vocal type or a perform type? I think he is kind of in the middle.

- A vocalist who can do performance.

- All-rounder.

- Vocal type?? Well because he’s a vocalist, but he is a good performer as well.

- Vocal type.

- If I have to pick one, his root is vocal type (because he is main vocalist) but he is also good at performing, isn’t he?

- My Kyoong-pride suddenly increases. Baekku is good at everything.

- He is an all-rounder but if I have to pick one between two at all cost, I think he’s vocal. His position is already a main vocalist in his group though.

- Those who are like Baekhyun are called all-rounder though.

- It is vocal if I have to pick one... But he definitely has great skills at both.

- Vocal type... but now performing is added.

- A vocal type that is good at feeling the rhythms.

- He is also very good at performing, but his vocals are so outstanding.



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