Thursday, January 7, 2021

[Instiz] To be successful as a soloist coming from idol groups....

Instiz: To be successful as a soloist (coming from idol groups)....

OP: It's not just they need to be good at singing, but I think they need to be supported by performance and dancing to be successful so that their stage will be fun to watch and won't be boring. As I think ballads are somehow a fixed form, idols that are free or flexible from choosing title songs as well as general stages and concerts seem to be successful as soloists. Now the idols that come to mind are Taeyeon, GD, and Baekhyun.

- It's hard to be successful as soloists.

- I also think of those 3 and Chungha.

- Taeyeon, GD and Baekhyun are already successful when they are in the groups though. 

- Aren't Taeyeon and Baekhyun closer to easy-listening than performance? 
> OP: I think they are both.
> I think if it's performance, they have to do tough choreography from the beginning to the end. Of course, I don't say that they both can't dance! Both of them have great skills, but when I listen to their solo songs or watch their performances, I think it's more like easy listening than performance! Thus, I think they have more public friendly vibe.
> OP: Oh, you could think like that too! If you watch concert stages of those 3, there are a lot of performances, so I thought like that. I think my standard and yours are a little different.

- As soon as I saw the title, I thought that all they need is to be as much(good) as Baekhyun.

- But that is the basics though. Again it's not easy for multi-potential soloists to get good results...It's hard to get good results like GD, Baekhyun and Taeyeon.

- And they need to have talent to take control of the stage alone.
> Right. Performances of talented kids are just different.
> Not from learning, they need to be born with it.

- Those 3 are already the tops in their groups as well. Singing, rapping, skills are all top over top.



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