Monday, December 21, 2020

[Pann/Theqoo] Baekhyun's new song, debut ranking, promotion

Theqoo: Baekhyun's debut ranking

- Woah he's really very popular.

- There isn't any promotion at all but he came out well.

- You all need to listen to it. It's really good.

- It's daebak. The song is good.

- The song is fcking good so I thought it would be do well and it's true. He's amazing.

Theqoo: Baekhyun's new song's debut ranking

- He is really incredible.

Baekhyun's voice color is really nice and he sings well. 'On The Road'? I enjoy that song too and this song is good, too.

- As expected of Baekhyun.

Pann: Baekhyun debuted at #2 on Melon and #1 on Genie. 
They announced the release of the song just 5 days ago, there are even no promotions. During 5 days, there were only teaser photos and a teaser video. But it debuted at #2 crazy.

- I'm surprised every time I see Baekhyun.

Pann: But SM really doesn't promote for Baekhyun at all. They doesn't really promote at all but he debuted at #2. He's amazing.

- Even when they don't promote, he does well, so fck. If they are promoting him well, how much better would it be?

Pann: What's this with Baekhyun? What's with 10s and 20s?

- It's such an ideal ratio.

- Such a wall.

- Heol he has many 40s too.

- It's really amazing. He is 9th-year-old idol but still has fcking many 10s fans.

Pann: Wow but Baekhyun is really amazing. His solo power is incredible. The song is also good.

Pann: I have never seen a male idol that is consistently popular like Baekhyun.

Pann: Baekhyun's promotion is always disappointing. I saw his debut ranking today and it was no joke. I think it would be more daebak if he attracted more muggles. 'Love Again' is also good and he has quite many songs that are worth hitting big, but I always feel sorry for him when I see what the agency is doing.

Pann: There is always something sad for Baekhyun. They really don't do promotion for him. When 'Love Again' content went viral, if it was another agency, they would push it like releasing live videos for 'Bungee' or other OSTs, but his agency doesn't. They just don't promote at all. 'Bungee', 'Love Again', 'Amusement Park', 'Candy' are songs that have the potential to get bigger than this.



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