Saturday, December 19, 2020

[Pann] Baekhyun's solo path, variety shows, self-made content, general public

Pann: I just hope Baekhyun to have a lot of self-made content instead of variety show. Looking at IU-nim's self-made content, it's really good though.

PannBaekhyun is capable of being more successful as a soloist though. He can appear on a variety show that he is good at, and there is also a method that is to appear on a music program like 'Begin Again' to show off his skills, so I hope he can appear on broadcast. If he wants to maintain his position as a soloist and go for a long time, he needs to have more broadcast exposure. ㅎㅅ or ㅅㅁㅎ (t/n: I don't who are these artists) catch the general public's attention with variety shows and they manage to become successful with their solo digital though. His fandom is sufficient, so I hope he to aim at the general public.

Pann: The only way for Baekhyun to get bigger as a soloist.

Appear on variety shows...
There are only a few male idol soloists who are very successful like Lee Hongki, Sandeul, and Kyuhyun.
It's skills + general public popularity.
Kyuhyun said that though. He said he did variety shows because he wanted to sing more.
In South Korea, to be extremely successful as a soloist, the only way is either to have unsurpassable skills or through the variety show route. Through acting only is also very tough.

It's my wish that he could do a music program later.

- But SM continues to push Baekhyun's mysterious image.

- But doesn't he has good image at variety shows? he no longer tends to appear on many variety shows, but he needs to consistently (appear on variety shows)

Pann: Many muggles know that Baekhyun sings well, but I feel like he can't get out of something like the idol image. Thus, he does well, but I feel like they hold prejudice like ~He's an idol though~ And because of the image of being EXO, so it's something even worse.

- Just don't appear on variety show, but I hope he to appear on program like 'Begin Again' please

- True, I think that's why they don't listen but skip it.

- Agree. Let's appear on variety show. 

PannByun Baekhyun's solo path is brightly opening. Both Baekhyun and his fans are doing very great, so it's okay if that terrible SM doesn't mess up.



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