Wednesday, November 25, 2020

[Instiz/Theqoo] Baekhyun is praised for being kind and quick-witted through Naejoo's vlog

Instiz: In my opinion, the video of Baekhyun from Naejoo is totally a video that attracts fans

OP: I saw it as it is trending on Youtube.
His face is so fcking cute (He's originally my ideal type)
Those words he said to Yoomi-ssi are so heart-fluttering. I'm not gonna lie that I've watched that video 3 times.
And this is my first time that I know he is that good to the staff. 
As Naejoo-ssi is a beginner YouTuber and he was confused, but Baekhyun has been helping everything himself from setting up the camera, to telling Naejoo-ssi such as it would be good if he talked about this and this, and even hosting.

- For real. he was being cute from the beginning to the end. 

When you do your hair, you can't always come out looking pretty, but it's so nice to see him say because it's hyung (do it for him) so of course he would come out pretty.

- I really keep watching it.

Instiz: I'm watching the video of Park Naejoo dying Baekhyun's hair, and Baekhyun seems to be good at filming videos as well

OP: From choosing the camera location to asking and telling (Naejoo) what he needs to explain during the dyeing process.
He seems to be very quick-witted and very smart. The video is 10 minute long, but I have watched it twice.
"Who hurt you and made you cry?" (t/n: this part is mentioned a lot)
Wow, he was saying this? My heart is suddenly beating so fast.

I'm a fan of another artist but his "Yoomi, why did you cry?" I almost spit my heart out when I watched it.

- I think it's really quick-witted of him to explain the products and do the camera thing. I also saw it in a trending video section.

- I watched it and that makes me want to change my name to Yoomi.

Theqoo: This makes you feel Baekhyun is good to the staff (feat. A hairstaff that followed him for SuperM Tour and cried)

- He is heart-warming.

- Why am I not Yoomi? Should I become Yoomi?

- Baekhyun seems to take care of his people well.

- I didn't have any interest in EXO but after I watched this, I have good impression on him.

- The video is interesting.

- I'm gonna be Yoomi from now on?

- Baekhyun is really kind.



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