Sunday, October 18, 2020

[Instiz/Daum] Baekhyun followed BaekhyunTown, his representative individual fan community


- Wow daebak.

- They must be very happy.

- I thought he followed the real (Baekhyun) town (I think there is really one?!)

> There is really one ㅋㅋㅋ

(t/n: There is a town called BaekHyun in South Korea)

- He’s so cute.

- BaekhyunTown... they have been there since his debut.

- I got surprised. I live in Baekhyun town. I thought you talked about my neighborhood.

- It somehow is cute.

- Now if we prepare something, we cannot keep it secret anymore. He’s gonna know everything.

- If we do dress code, he will know.

- Let’s make another account for fan events haha

- I’m a fan of another artist and I’m curious that I went to see. He followed 4 and there is just one that is an individual person among them. Daebak

> Kanye alone is a very different genre.

> Kanye followed him first then Baekhyun followed back.

- Now how we do events kekeke

- The head of the village has appeared.

- Woah but these people are for real... they are a million times hardworking than SM.

- I agree on BaekhyunTown. I’m happy for them with my whole body.

- I live in Baekhyun town and I was shocked.

- Heol isn’t Baekhyuntown very famous?


- It’s cute how he firmly followed them then went away without saying anything.

- He is cute. It it were me, I must have been extremely trembling.

- Daebak. Is he gonna follow BaekhyunBar after BaekhyunTown, isn’t he?

- We are in big trouble. Now how we do events without him knowing.

- He is so lovely. A puppy that is always curious about what fans do.

- Woah he is cute. In the future BaekhyunTown-nim is going to make announcements with secret codes haha



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