Monday, October 26, 2020

[Instiz] Baekhyun is called the King of male main character of fanfics

Instiz: Is this anecdote about Baekhyun's secret crush real?

"In High school, a female classmate had bad eyesight and she didn’t wear glasses. During class, she was trying to narrow her eyes to see the clock(time) but she couldn’t see. Baekhyun saw that, then raising his 3 fingers and mouthed 3 o’clock to her. She got a crush on him after that."

- He is really the King of male main character of fanfics. Wow.

- If I lived in Bucheon at the same time as him, I would hang around in front of his school every day.

- He is the real Korea's high-teen male main character.

- Isn't he the first love of everyone....? 

- He is the male main character of Internet novels. His name is even Byun Baekhyun.

- He is the man of Kim Yeoju...

- His life is a novel. His name is even Byun Baekhyun.

- But even if we weren't in the same class, but just went to the same school together, I would have a crush on him...

- Why was I in the different school from Baekhyun's? Give me Byun Baekhyun, too.

- He is really a legend of crush and first love.

- He is the unsurpassable wall in this field.

- As expected of the man of Kim Yeoju.

- Ah but it was fortunate that I wasn't in the same school with him...if my crush was that popular, I would cry every night.

- I think all Byun Baekhyun's anecdotes are like coming from fanfics.

- I'm a fan of another artist, but Baekhyun-nim is the wall in this topic. His name is even Byun Baekhyun.

- If he filmed a school movie, it would be a big hit. It feels like he is exactly the standard of crush of those time.

- Whenever I read Baekhyun's anecdotes, I feel like my school days are romanticized...I feel like I used to have a friend like him.

- Why wasn't I 92-er? Why wasn't I in the same school with Baekhyun?

Am I the only one who thinks of Baekhyun wearing a summer uniform, rather than winter uniform? I feel like he is perfect for summer uniform.

- Why didn't I have a Byun Baekhyun in my school days?

- It would be more heart-fluttering because Baekhyun's lips are beautiful and his hands are also beautiful.

- It is like a fanfic. It's fcking heart fluttering.

- Oppa, I have a bad eyesight too.

- To this extent, isn't he the standard of secret crush??



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