Thursday, September 17, 2020

[Theqoo/Daum] Baekhyun became the ambassador of Burberry


TheqooBaekhyun became the ambassador of Burberry 

- The coats look beautiful.

- Oh congrats congrats.

- Wow EXO is really idols of luxury brands. They are in great demand. They are handsome, so they digest well.

- His face appears so soft and pure.

- His clothes for Elle are also Burberry, right? Those one are the most beautiful.

- EXO-sunbaenim has swept all the luxury brand industry.

- He looks cute with his bangs up.

- The clothes are hard to pull off, but he digests them well.

- EXO with all the luxury

- The black coat in the middle is insane. It looks good on him.

- He looks cool.

- He looks more beautiful because he suits them well. 

- Nice. He looks good in the clothes.

- His face appears like a soft puppy. How can he still look like a young boy?

- He suits the outfits.

- Wow Baekhyun is on the roll. He suits this.

- He is cute like a doll.


- He looks good in the clothes.

- His looks are insane. I'm going crazy.

- God Baekhyun.

- Burberry really has an excellent choice.

- He's awesome.

- Insane. This is no joke.

- EXO family has been going crazy.



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