Sunday, September 20, 2020

[Theqoo] Why does Baekhyun look at people like this?

When he looks at translator-unnie

When he looks at other celebrities

When he looks at maknae

When he looks at hyung.

(Not human but) When he looks at puppies

When he looks at fans

Theqoo: Why does Baekhyun look at people like this?

- I'm smiling along, too.

- He really looks heart-fluttering.

- His eyes are really heart-fluttering.

But the ladies around must be distressed because he is just so heart-fluttering. Those eyes make people delude themselves.

- I'm smiling along unconsciously.

- He really appears popular.

- His eyes are really heart-warming.

- When going to the concert, he drinks water then put the bottle down smiling... That's why fans wanted to delude themselves like "He looked at me." He is heart-warming.

- Even if you don't admit it, he is very popular.

- He's my first and last idol.



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