Sunday, August 30, 2020

[Pann] Baekhyun is cool for the way he deals with sasaengs

Pann: Wow Baekhyun was dealing with sasaengs

1. As expected that our puppy is the best.

2. A puppy that never holds back.
"Are you allowed to sell another person's information like this"

3. In the past, sasaengs contacted Baekhyun every day to tell him that in order to receive attention, he needed to dye his hair black, wore contact lenses and earrings every time. He was under lots of stress because of this, but sasaeng told Baekhyun that these words were from all the people who liked him. He said he was angry because they equated sasaengs and fans who liked him no matter what he did. I'm just thankful that he classifies fans and sasaengs, and comforts fans when they're upset because of sasaengs.

4. He's heartwarming but firm. This is really the best expression to describe him.

5. On his Instagram live before, he asked sasaengs why they kept calling him as if they were attention seekers? It was so fcking cool of him.

6. Loves (sarangs) and sasaengs are his words seriously...

7. He's fcking cute but also cool.

8. I'm a fan of another artist but those are right words. He's cool. For those hateful sasaengs not being able to come, we need to separate them clearly.

9. Honestly, it's because he's my bias, but I think other singers need do this too... sasaengs need to know that they are criminals.

10. Other idols need to do this too. Sasaengs have to realize that what they are doing is a crime...

11. I can see how he really treasures his fans.

12. Wow it's really nice of him to say that.

13. I'm not a fan but he's fcking cool. Don't invade idols' private lives.

14. Byun Baekhyun is an idol whom I find it's so nice to become a fan of.

15. I'm so satisfied.



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