Monday, August 31, 2020

[Theqoo] Baekhyun was born with qualities and skills of a leader according to SuperM's members

Theqoo: Baekhyun was born with qualities and skills of a leader according to SuperM's members

(t/n: the content of this post is very long, I don't have time to translate, so I just translated comments 😔)

1. Aww Baekhyun, he's so cute.

2. His personality has determination, so I thought he would definitely have leadership.

3. I like Baekhyun. Please sing forever. I will listen!!!

4. I realized that Baekhyun is kind. He's very careful, too.

5. I think it's true that he really has a broad view/outlook. I feel like he's always relaxed and he even takes care of others well.

6. He's in charge of being cute in EXO, but he's really powerful in SuperM.

7. His charm is awesome.

8. Baekhyun takes good care of member. He takes good care of foreign members' ments. If they don't know the meanings or words, he explains to them well. He's good at hosting. And he has a broad view, so he catches cameras well.

9. Baekhyun is so kind. He's really considerate and takes good care of others.

10. He's the style that must be really popular everywhere he goes. 

11. He has a very sweet and delicate side of him, but I can see that he's doing well as a leader.

12. I watched Knowing Brothers and I think SuperM has a nice vibe.

13. He's such a great older brother that I also like and rely on him. That my bias follows him well makes him even cuter and more reliable. Baekhyun seems to play the biggest role in making the atmosphere of SuperM feel good. 

14. He has a good personality and good sense.

15. Baekhyun has such a soft and delightful leadership.

16. I didn't know he was this good at being a leader. He's full of charms.

17. I'm so happy because Baekhyun is the leader of SuperM. I feel so reassured and grateful.

18. I was surprised that he takes the role of leader well. The members follow him well.



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