Saturday, August 29, 2020

[Instiz] Knets envy Baekhyun's witty sense of humour and personality on "Knowing Brothers"

Instiz: Baekhyun dancing style? Baekhyun: I'm the style who trusts and follows others.

OP: I watch it again and it's still fcking funny.

- He's a man of sense. He dances well though.

- But Baekhyun dances very well though. I watched "Candy" choreography and fell for him.

- But what's with his sense? I heard him saying that and I was really amazed.

- He's a man of sense.

- This one was too funny.

- I was amazed too. But Baekhyun really dances well.

- How is he able to say like that? He really has sense.

- He's so funny.

- He even responded right away. His sense is daebak.

- His sense is daebak. His quick reaction too.

- His sense is insane.

- His calm expression made it even funnier.

- I really like his sense. That makes his sense even greater when he's a good dancer. 

Instiz: I really envy Baekhyun

OP: Whatever he does, he doesn't kill the mood or bring sudden silence and awkwardness. He's like an insider type (a person who has many friends and acquaintances at work or school).

- His personality looks really nice.

- I really envy that. He was born with sense.

- I really envy his personality.

- He's an insider himself.

- He's a man of sense.

- "I'm the style who trusts and follows members" It's just daebak.

- I think his sense is gifted. 

- He has moderate aegyo too. He's the best.

- He's shy of strangers in reality.

- I'm not a fan but I agree.
> I saw him lip-synching today, and honestly, you might be embarrassed without music, but I felt that his true talent was no joke.

- I think his sense is gifted. You can see it in him right away.

- He's a person whom you can't help but like him.

- I really want to have his personality.

Instiz: I'm really a fan of another artist, but I think EXO's Baekhyun is born with a great sense of speaking.

OP: I really cried while watching Kkaebsong, and I happened to watch EXO episode of "Knowing Brothers" and his skill of talking is still the same as before.
It isn't something that a boring person like me can try to have... he was born with a good sense of humor.

- The type of person I envy the most.

- Seriously, I'm a boring person, so I find him even more amazing and I'm even more jealous.

- It's really not something we can learn. We need to be born with it.

- I personally envy his sense of speaking, even if it's not something funny, he just makes it interesting.



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