Sunday, February 5, 2023

[Youtube] Kimchi stew mukbang with Baekhyun and Love Light friend

(The video was filmed 2 years ago before Baekhyun's enlistment. I'm uploading it on his discharge day. Congratulations on his discharge.)
Baek: Don't you have an intro?
Choo: Still no
Baek: What even??
Choo: Ok, hello everyone. I'm Choo at Choocolate 
Baek: Hello everyone. I'm Baekhyun.
Choo: Is today your last dinner?
Baek: Yes before enlisting, with Love Light friend, my friend Yoosung said he started to become a Youtuber, Yoosungie carefully asked me for a favor. He asked me if we could film content together. And because we have been friends for a very long time. I wouldn't do it if it was someone else, but since we have been friends for a very long time, I decided to do a mukbang together. Actually I don't think I can make it appear like I eat so deliciously, still, please give a lot of love for Choocolate. I will also do my military service well and come back, so everyone please don't worry much. I will go and come back quickly. Ok, so do we start the mukbang?
Choo: (Wait a min. Let me do a hand greeting)
Baek: (Yoosung-ah, work hard a bit)
Baek: It's ok. Just eat it. 
Choo: (And it seems we like Kimchi stew. Last time I think we also ate Kimchi stew)
Choo: You need this when you eat something greasy.
Baek: Tofu~
Choo: Samhap (three combinations)
Baek: Show it, show more
Choo: Meat, tofu, and kimchi
Baek: Why does the whistle usually come out of your mouth? I asked because I'm really curious.
Choo: I have never known it. I only knew it since you told me. I heard it since then.
Choo: Eat more. You can't eat this once you enlist.
Baek: Won't there be yummy food? 
Choo: I think so?... (I enlisted like 10 years ago)
Baek: Is it tiring in the training center?
Choo: It was very tiring for me. (the training in the training center is the most tiring). When we got out of there, we look at each other, crying saying we must meet again, the last meeting would be like that. 
Choo: I think I know what will be the toughest for you in the military.
Baek: They are younger than me?
Choo: No, it's that you can't play games there...
Baek: I'm gonna practice again once I'm back. 
Choo: You are the friend that calls me even just because you can't play game for a couple of days.
Baek: Seriously... that I can't play game would be (hardest for me) That's the way I reduce stress.
Choo: We are filming at the scene (the sofa) seen all the time when you do live broadcasts. It's always here.
Baek: True
Choo: So yummy 
Baek: How about you warming up another bowl of rice?
Choo: No, I need to go on diet. I have to go on diet, but since you said you enlist, we need to have yummy food.
Baek: You ate so well that can't tell that you're on a diet. Just eat it. 
Choo: When you eat, just eat, right?
Choo: You have to do mukbang cleanly and neatly recently. You can't let the food all over your hands.
Choo: It's so yummy.
Baek: How can it be so yummy!
Choo: (looking for meat)
Baek: There are lots of meat.
Choo: When it gets a bit greasy...
Baek: Cola?
Choo: Start over again...(more rice)
Baek: It seems you have to heat up another bowl of rice.
Choo: That's just enough.
Baek: It should be double portions when it comes to rice.
Choo: I don't think I would be able to restrain myself if I heat up one more. I just eat the portion available.
Baek: Should just eat one.
Choo: It is tiring if too full, sleepy too.
Choo: We still have many things to do, right?
Baek: Feel like it's a waste (if going to sleep). Honestly I'm sleepy today, but I don't think I'll be able to sleep.
Baek: How was your whole day before the day you enlisted?
Choo: I stayed up all night (I was so nervous that I couldn't sleep)
Baek: Back then, that day you suddenly said you had to enlist in 2 weeks, right? Your older brother told you to enlist?
Choo: Our family usually has breakfast at 6AM, right? My dad was having breakfast, then suddenly he asked "Will Yoosungie have to enlist?" as I turned 20. I was like "Yeah I have to go though." My older brother was like "Oh I'll register for you." I studied computer. The timing is that at that time the military was looking for a military computer specialist. At that time, people had to register and wait to enlist. Some couldn't even enlist even when they wanted to. So when I registered, I thought I would go when I turned 21. But only one week after, I don't remember correctly, but it was when I was having a meal, my old brother said I had to enlist. I asked him when. He told me I had to go in a month. That's why I studied a semester, then my brother helped me apply for a leave of absence from university, and I enlisted right away. 
Choo: (t/n: Yoosung didn't say these, just put as caption) But we were 20 years old. I enlisted. I was a soldier and my friend (Baekhyun) was a trainee. Both of us didn't have hand phone. It was hard to contact. We couldn't contact each other. I thought it was difficult to see you once you debut. But Baekhyunie said he wanted to see me through another friend. He told me once I got discharged and got a phone and give him phone number. I'm grateful that we were able to contact again because Baekhyunie contacted me. I still remember that I asked another friend if it was true that it was really me? if Baekhyunie wanted to meet me. 
Baek: I'm so full. 
Choo: We have to clear all the meat.
Baek: Need to eat the meat first. When we both were kids, we gained weight easily. But we were taught well though. If we leave a grain of rice left, we will suffer from hardship because of it. 
Choo: Because of that, when we went to friends' houses, we had to eat all no matter what. The moms adored us a lot and said we ate very well.
Baek: The manner that we have to eat all even when we are full.
Choo: I always have 2 bowls wherever I go. Moms really adored us.
Choo: As a sunbae (enlisted before), I hope you go and come back safely.
Baek: What??? I guess there would be 01ers if enlisting now.
Choo: I'm worried if you have fun time there haha.
Baek: Haha I'm so full.
Choo: Let's finish this with a cup (of cola)
Choo: Thank everyone. I just started as a YouTuber, so thank you a lot for watching. Thank my friend for helping. Until now I'm still surprised that we could do this. Because when we are friends, it's more difficult to say.
Baek: I know how it feels like.
Choo: Now I don't know what to say. I thought about it a lot for more than a month. I get anxious as if I tell you this, will we become awkward.
Baek: No, how can it be
Choo: I was worried if you would feel uncomfortable now, or may need permission. But as soon as I told you about this, you asked me what we could film, I was touched. I thought you was about to reply me with a joke though. But I'm grateful that you told me like ~how about filming this first~ and how you did everything for me.
Baek: We were originally supposed to sing or kind like that but recently the situation is kinda (corona was still serious 2 years ago). So in the future, when he reaches like 100,000 subscribers, I will make an appearance again if I get permission. 
Choo: Till when I reach 100,000...
Baek: Hwaiting!
Choo: Eat well, go and come back safely!
Baek: Are you my dad?
Choo: You enlist quite late that I have nothing to say. Now I'm even no longer in military reserve force, but you are about to enlist, I wonder what I can say to you. (actually it's awkward that both of us are in front of camera)
Baek: Anyway, everyone, I'm going to enlist and come back safely. Please take care of Choocolate. Bye!



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