Thursday, January 13, 2022

[Theqoo] Baekhyun having no full album surprises knets

Theqoo: Only 4 SM soloists (group members) have released a full album

- Baekhyun doesn't have a full album? I listen to a lot of Baekhyun's songs.

- It's strange that Baekhyun and Kyuhyun have no full album. 

- Heol so those Baekhyun's albums aren't full albums, but he has been selling that many?

- I thought there was Baekhyun.

- Heol Baekhyun has no full album? Didn't he sell a million copies.

- Baekhyun will release one after he discharges from military service. Please look forward to it.

- All of the albums are masterpieces, but I thought Baekhyun had one. It's surprising that none of his albums is full album.

- I thought Baekhyun had one... I enjoy his songs, please release a full album soon.

- I'm truly shocked that Baekhyun had no full album.

- Baekhyun keeps releasing mini albums? I thought Candy was a full album.

- So Baekhyun didn't have a full album. His sales are big, so I thought it was a full album.

- It seems Baekhyun will release a full album after discharging. I enjoy Love Again, so I look forward to it.

- Heol Baekhyun still hasn't had a full album. He went solo later than I thought. 

- Baekhyun still hasn't had one? I listen to his songs regularly.

- Looking forward to Baekhyun.

- Baekhyun's albums are mini? I like all his albums. It's surprising.

- That Baekhyun had none is unexpected. By looking at his sales, it's something that could only be done with a full album.

- Wow I was like Baekhyun would certainly have a full album.

- Not a fan but I look forward to Baekhyun's full album.

- Give us Baekhyun's full album. I really like Baekhyun's songs.

- For Baekhyun, I like the album that has Love Again the most. It turns out that it isn't a full album.



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