Saturday, August 28, 2021

[Theqoo/Instiz/Daum] Baekhyun is a drama Blu-ray fairy

Instiz/Theqoo: It’s well-known among drama fans that dramas which Baekhyun sings OSTs for will 100% release Director’s cut Blu-ray. Drama fans like Blu-ray, so they hope Baekhyun to sing more OSTs and said they like it because every time he sings OSTs, they get Director’s cut Blu-ray.

It’s said there were 8 dramas that released Blu-rays last year and 4 of them have Baekhyun’s OSTs

Dr. Romance 2


Record of Youth

Do You Like Brahms? 

Doom At Your Service (a comment said it’s been confirmed that Blu-ray is released for this drama too)


- He seems to be a Blu-ray fairy.

- Woah seriously all of them really release Blu-ray.

- Record of Youth OST is really good.

- But when is his OST (Hong Chun Gi) released? I keep watching the teaser and waiting for it. Is it supposed to be released only after the drama is broadcasted?

- My friend is a drama fan and I'm a Baekhyun fan. I tell my friend immediately when I hear any Baekhyun's OST news.

- Oh amazing...But Baekhyun's OSTs are really good. I also look forward to Hong Chun Gi.

- Doom at Your Service OST is really good.

- Heol please sing OST for our drama too...

- Wow this is rare though.

- I'm looking forward to Hong Chun Gi ㅋㅋㅋ

- Please sing OST for my actor too, Baekhyun!

- Daebak. It's awesome.

- Baekhyun's OST is considered Blu-ray talisman among drama/movie/actor fans though.

- Everyone would be happy if Baekhyun sings more OSTs.


- Wow this is impressive.

- The puppy of good luck.

- Heol this is my first time knowing this. I don't pay much attention to drama. 

- This is the Genius Idol thing.

- Doom at Your Service Blu-ray is confirmed too. I think Hong Chun Gi will too.

- Gain this strength for Hong Chun Gi too. I'm looking forward to it.

- Woah it's not easy to release Blu-ray though. This is amazing.

- Hong Chun Gi too. I'm looking forward to it a lot. Both drama and OST.

- This is Baekhyun's force.

- Doom at Your Service Blu-ray is confirmed too? Insane...Thank you Mr. Baekhyun, thank you.

- I feel that Hong Chun Gi will have Blu-ray too.

- Baekhyun-nim, please sing OST for our drama too.



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