Wednesday, February 17, 2021

[Twitter] Nonfans comments from Baekhyun's Bubble viral tweet


- No, but wasn't he the first love of every current idol fan? You are really a guilt.

- I think this oppa was screaming "Idol" right after he was born. No one can beat this most powerful world view of his.

- Kids! have you guys seen this? Try to take this course.

- Woah as expected Byun Baekhyun is Byun Baekhyun. Can he not enlist?

- He is really daebak. This is idol.

- Woah... this is legendary.

- This is what people call fanfic male lead personification.

- Those who saw this and went to buy his Bubble, this oppa comes once a week, but that 'once a week' is so strong that I'm now a slave of Bubble.

- Kids, look at this and learn. Do you guys really come from the same company?

- What is this man? This is no.1 message that I have never received from XX even just once. Our kid always says "Rice rice rice eat more rice" the most.

- I'm going to buy (his Bubble)

- Woah male idols, did you guys see this...?

- Please learn from your sunbaenim. Don't they have Bubble lecture?

- He conquers all the top three sins of idols: pride, humanity, and artistry. This is a celebrity, he is an idol before being a human.

- Isn't this both talent and sense. He is extraordinary and I just want to give him a big applause.

- I will be an Eri.

- Woah fck this is a top idol.

- He is a god of fanfics.

- As expected that the leader of first-tier is different. It would be a big trouble if this guy wasn't an idol.

- This oppa is working this hard though
@Male idols

- Baek-aboji (dad) is really unique.

- It's so natural like he is just breathing and is like he has been saying this since he was born.

- As expected of the leader of first tier. Male idols, learn it!

- As a person who has experienced with Byun Baekhyun's Bubble... This is one of the 100 days when he doesn't speak baby language...

- Our kids talk about nothing except for foods though...

- As expected he does what our kids will never do even when they die.

- Even if you buy after you saw this, you could receive only things like "Hehe today too Hwaiting!!! Gain strength" though..

- As expected of eternal first-tier is different.

- Look at this oppa and learn the way how to be a cool idol.

- As expected of a person who will become my new oppa. He is unique. 

- He himself is the reason why Bubble exists.

- Because Byun Baekhyun is god.

- He needs to teach idols...Please save the male idols who look lifeless.

- He made me almost buy his Bubble.

- Insane. I'm jealous.

- XX-yah, hwaiting, you can do this!

- Male idols, learn from him...

- Aboji (dad).

- Woah this man is really a genius.

- He has the strongest world view. Please do Kpop for long time.

- Guys, I'm sorry for mentioning idols here!! but this....

- This is the art of 21st century, look at this!

- As expected of first tier of first tiers.



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