Sunday, January 3, 2021

[Instiz/Theqoo] Baekhyun's solo concert 'Light'


- Ah Baekhyun's crying acting is fcking insane.

- Baekhyun's concert quality is insane.

- I have watched all Beyond Live concerts of SM's idols, but Baekhyun's is really. His quality is really an offline concert.
> The quality is crazy.
> The quality is daebak.
> True. I have watched almost all of them and his quality is insane.
> It's true that there is a difference. 

- What? I can't believe that Baekhyun's concert is 44k won? It was really worth the money.
> I really want to pay more...

- Who directed Baekhyun's VCR? Such a genius.

- I still got goosebumps at Baekhyun's VCR. Baekhyun's eyes when he drank wine at the end are insane.

- Did many fans of other artists also pay and watch Baekhyun's concert?
> Yes. I'm a fan of another artist.
> Yes, I'm active on another community and there are a lot of posts there asking how to pay for Baekhyun's concert.
> Baekhyun is somehow like a second bias of everyone, so not only here but he's also a hot topic everywhere.
> Looking at other communities, there are a lot as well.

- Honestly it's okay even if Baekhyun's concert costs 100k won. The quality is fcking good.

- I want to pour more money on Baekhyun. 44k won for this is too cheap.

- Baekhyun is just so talented. His eyes and expression...

- Baekhyun sings so well.

- Baekhyun's new Japanese songs are so good.

- Looking at the community, if Baekhyun held an offline concert, it would be explode.

- As expected of Byun Baekhyun... he dominates this community with a paid concert.

- Baekhyun's looks today are legendary.

- Kim Yeoju-ssi, don't betray Baekhyun (t/n: hahaha)

- Ahhhh Baekhyun's 'Psycho' is legendary.

- I paid and watched both Baekhyun's concert and my bias' concert. The quality is just different. I wondered if that was the best of SM.
> Which one is better?
> It's obviously Baekhyun's. My bias' wasn't worth the money.

- Baekhyun's online concert quality is the best but there is still one thing that is the best is Byun Baekhyun's face.

- I'm a fan of another artist and I'm watching Baekhyun's concert...anyone else is watching like me? The quality is daebak. 

- My friends on my timeline watch Baekhyun's concert and said it is the manner of K-Pop.

- Baekhyun's live singing is insane. If it was me, I would breathe every single line.

- Baekhyun is really live singing God. You can't refute it at all.

- I think Baekhyun must have 10 lungs and even gills. Wow how can he sing live by himself like that..

- Wow Baekhyun's power is really insane. It's amazing to me that a Beyond Live concert happening like this.
> He's Baekhyun though.

- Baekhyun-nim sings so well.

- Baekhyun's mixed voice is a God's work.

- Baekhyun's concert is said to be daebak today. Should I buy to watch later? I'm a fan of another artist but I want to watch. All are my favorite songs.
> Yes. It's the best.
> Buy it! seriously.
> All the stages are legendary.
> It was insane.
> You will become a fan for sure.
> It will take long to watch again but it's worth the money.

- I guarantee that for Baekhyun's concert quality, even fans of other artists watch it, you would never regret.
> His live singing is perfect, he talked interestingly as well, there was even a surprised live.

- I didn't know Baekhyun was that good at acting.

- Baekhyun's nerd acting is so good. 

- Isn't Baekhyun's acting in the VCR so good?
> He's really so good.
> I was surprised because he was so good.

Instiz: Was Baekhyun's concert all live singing?

- Yes. He did ment in the middle of singing as well.

- Yes. It was raw live singing. You can even hear his breathing.

- Yup. It was obvious that it was live. If you haven't bought it, buy it.

- When he did the clapping choreography with other dancers, you can even hear the sound of him clapping.

- OP: I paid for it myself ㅠㅠ but his live singing was so perfect that I was like "Is that live?" It was crazy. So it was all live.

- His live singing was insane.

Theqoo: The stage photos of Baekhyun's today online concert are all over the place for good quality

- So it isn't an MV? Daebak.

- His concert is really daebak. It would have been better if the concert was offline, but the feeling of online concert comes out well and the quality was good.

- Today was the best.

- This is my first time feeling that even online concert can be this fun. Seriously the lingering feelings..

- It was legendary. Everything was perfect.

- All the stages were beautiful.

- I'm so satisfied about the stage, his singing as well as his dancing.

- It is really the best ever.

Theqoo: 120 minutes + satisfying EXO's Baekhyun solo concert set list

- It was really so much fun... But Shim-ssi... Why didn't you put a few more songs to the set list? 'Betcha'... give me 'Betcha'.

- God Baekhyun.

- He does so well like it's the standard of online concert.

- I'm a fan of another artist, but it was rich in content and really fun. Baekhyun is really so good at his job.

- Baekhyun did so well. He just did so well. I don't know what else I can say.

- They did a fcking good job. Seriously the direction was so good that I feel like they didn't make it as an online concert, but they prepared an offline concert but showed it as an online concert. And Baekhyun's skills were amazing. He was fcking awesome. I watched Beyond Live a lot, but he was really the best ever.

- His solo concert remains as the legend.

- In addition to his live skills, the stage direction and CG were the best ever. He is a great talker as well.




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