Sunday, December 6, 2020

[Pann] Let's talk about concept of Baekhyun's new solo album + bonus posts

1. Let's talk about the concept of Baekhyun's next solo album. Personally, I hope he could do something strong like 'Monster' with his solo. If he has thick eyeliner and does intense choreography, it's gonna be crazy.

- A winter album for me. The carol vibe.

- I don't like ballad, so R&B.

- I wish he could go with a traditional ballad for once. The style like IU's 'Dear Name' and 'Through the Night' would be great... But what is amazing about Baekhyun is that when people ask, "Tell me which solo album concept you want (from him)", everything from ballad, dance, R&B all can come out.. He is good at everything. That is really so crazy. Our puppy does everything well.

- What's that title? Is it 'Hannam-dong UN Village'? I like that song so much that I hope he would do that the concept again...or something like 'Love Again'.

- If it's winter album? then of course, a winter ballad + carol, and then an album after a remake album okay?

- I want to see him with ballad too.

- For me, a song like 'Wild Flower' of Park Hyo Shin... I want to see that kind of standard feeling.

- I agree. I hope he could come out on a music show with something like 'Psycho'.

2. It feels like Baekhyun is suddenly getting big this year

- From a point of view of a fan that has liked him for a long time, I think he has just been consistently working hard and building it up. First of all, he does well.

- Efforts will never betray you. He will do even better and better in the future.

- I was wondering why is it. If I compare 'UN Village' to 'Candy', I was so surprised that I can feel he has suddenly gotten bigger. But as I look at him now, I think he will be bigger than 'Candy'.

3. If Baekhyun appeared on Kingdom, would he just beat everyone else?

- Why do you ask such an obvious thing?

- I think he will attract even more fans.

- This is like you ask whether meat is tasty....

- He's EXO though... he even has the most solid core fandom in EXO.



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